Christian Clerk Continues to Defy Order to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses

Christian Clerk Continues to Defy Order to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses

FRANKFORT, Ky. — A county clerk in Kentucky is continuing to defy a court order that she issue marriage licenses to homosexuals and their partners despite her Christian convictions not to be a partaker in other’s sins. “Currently everything remains the same,” Deputy Clerk Nathan Davis told Reuters, as the office continued to turn away […]

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Ordering Christian Clerk to Issue ‘Gay Marriage’ Licenses

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Ordering Christian Clerk to Issue ‘Gay Marriage’ Licenses

FRANKFORT, Ky. — A federal appeals court has denied a stay of a lower court order declaring that a Kentucky county clerk must issue marriage licenses to homosexuals and their partners despite her Christian convictions not to be a partaker in other’s sins. As previously reported, Kim Davis, clerk of Rowan County, has been the […]

Portland Investigating Inaction of Officer Against Man Who Attacked ‘Scum’ Christians with Cleanser

Portland Investigating Inaction of Officer Against Man Who Attacked ‘Scum’ Christians with Cleanser

PORTLAND, Ore. — Officials in Portland, Oregon are investigating a police officer who failed to take action against a man who attacked six Christians with a cleansing agent earlier this month while pronouncing them all “scum.” As previously reported, the incident took place on August 12 outside of the Portland Planned Parenthood facility as over […]

Thousands Rally in Support of Christian Clerks Who Refuse to Issue ‘Gay Marriage’ Licenses

Thousands Rally in Support of Christian Clerks Who Refuse to Issue ‘Gay Marriage’ Licenses

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Thousands rallied on Saturday in support of three Kentucky clerks who are fighting for their religious rights not to violate their Christian convictions by issuing “marriage” licenses to homosexuals. The Family Foundation of Kentucky organized the event, which included prayers, hymns and speeches by various state leaders and political candidates. Executive Director […]

Facebook Page Subject of Atheist Complaint Resumes Posting Christian Statuses After Confusion Cleared

JONESBORO, Ark. — A Facebook page that was the subject of a complaint from a prominent atheist activist organization has resumed posting Christian statuses after it was realized that the atheist group mistook the page as being run by the city when it actually was the personal page of a city employee. As previously reported, […]

Colorado Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Requiring Christian Baker to Make ‘Gay Wedding’ Cakes

Colorado Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Requiring Christian Baker to Make ‘Gay Wedding’ Cakes

DENVER — The Colorado Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court ruling requiring a Christian baker to make cakes for “gay weddings” despite his biblical beliefs not to be a partaker in other men’s sins. (1 Timothy 5:22) “We conclude that the act of same-sex marriage is closely correlated to Craig’s and Mullins’ sexual […]

Six Christians Attacked with Cleansing Agent, Called ‘Scum’ Outside Oregon Planned Parenthood

Six Christians Attacked with Cleansing Agent, Called ‘Scum’ Outside Oregon Planned Parenthood

PORTLAND, Ore. — At least six Christians were attacked with a cleansing agent on Wednesday while preaching the gospel and standing for life outside of a Planned Parenthood facility in Portland, Oregon, but the man who committed with the act was not arrested and was let go without charges. The pro-life outreach was part of […]

Woman Sues Christian University After Being Fired for Becoming Pregnant Out of Wedlock

Woman Sues Christian University After Being Fired for Becoming Pregnant Out of Wedlock

EUGENE, Ore. — An assistant professor at a Christian university in Oregon has filed suit after she says that she was fired for becoming pregnant out of wedlock. Cory Richardson is seeking $650,000 in damages from Northwest Christian University for what she believes in wrongful termination. Richards, 35, was fired last month, and is a […]