Christians Being ‘Harassed’ in Over 100 Countries, Major Report Confirms

Christians Being ‘Harassed’ in Over 100 Countries, Major Report Confirms

(The Christian Institute) — A new report into religious restrictions around the world confirms that Christians are being harassed in dozens of countries worldwide. US think-tank Pew Research Center corroborated similar reports on persecution, finding that Christians face challenges and threats for their beliefs in 143 nations. The suffering covered by “harassment” ranged from verbal […]

Reporting Persecution to Police a Vanishing Option for Christians in India

Reporting Persecution to Police a Vanishing Option for Christians in India

HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – Persecution of Christians in Bihar state, India, has so intensified in the past two years that Pastor Shelton Viswanathan didn’t dare call police after Hindu extremists broke bones in his hand and foot. “If I force the police to register cases against the assailants, the [Hindu extremist] Bajrang Dal’s […]

Christian Student Group Sues University for Equal Access, Alleges Religious Discrimination

Christian Student Group Sues University for Equal Access, Alleges Religious Discrimination

(Fox News) — A prominent Christian student organization has sued its university, claiming the group was targeted because of its religious beliefs. In 2017, Wayne State University kicked Intervarsity Christian Fellowship off campus because it required its leaders to be Christians. It was only when the student group, which had been on campus for 75 years, threatened to sue in […]

Christians Among Those Represented as Trump Meets Global Survivors of Religious Persecution

Christians Among Those Represented as Trump Meets Global Survivors of Religious Persecution

WASHINGTON — Christians were among those who were recently represented before President Trump in the Oval Office as he heard stories from those around the world who have experienced persecution personally or in their family life due to their faith. “As Christians in Myanmar, we are being oppressed and tortured by the Myanmar military government,” […]

‘I Am Not a Christian’: Former ‘Pastor,’ Author Joshua Harris Kisses Christianity Goodbye

‘I Am Not a Christian’: Former ‘Pastor,’ Author Joshua Harris Kisses Christianity Goodbye

VANCOUVER — Author and former pastor Joshua Harris, most known for his book “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” announced on Friday as a follow-up to last week’s Instagram post advising of his separation from his wife that he no longer identifies as a Christian. He also apologized to those who identify as homosexuals, stating that he regrets […]

Christian Family in Gaza Loses Home to Rocket Fire

Christian Family in Gaza Loses Home to Rocket Fire

Palestine (Mission Network News) — In Gaza, who your neighbors are might determine whether or not your house will stay standing. When political enemies are targeted by rocket strikes, bystanders are often caught in the crossfire. That’s what happened to one Christian family in Gaza during recent attacks. Although strikes are not uncommon in Gaza, […]

China Adds Charge Against Early Rain Covenant Church Pastor, Coerces Christians to Accuse Him Falsely

China Adds Charge Against Early Rain Covenant Church Pastor, Coerces Christians to Accuse Him Falsely

(Morning Star News) – Authorities in China have added “illegal business activities” to the subversion charge against pastor Wang Yi and have coerced congregation members to falsely accuse him, according to advocacy and media reports. Pastor Wang, of Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC) in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, was detained in a Dec. 9 raid along with […]

‘They’re Begging Us’: Christians in Hong Kong, China Eager for the Word of God

‘They’re Begging Us’: Christians in Hong Kong, China Eager for the Word of God

(Mission Network News) — China and Hong Kong have been regular staples for news headlines due to recent upheaval and uncertainty. Some of that uncertainty is touching the local Church as tighter regulations and limits on Bible sales make it difficult for local believers to get their hands on Christian resources. That’s why Jason Woolford […]

Christian School Sues After Being Denied Inclusion in Voucher Program Over Marriage, Gender Views

Christian School Sues After Being Denied Inclusion in Voucher Program Over Marriage, Gender Views

DALLAS (Baptist Press) — A Southern Baptist church employee in Texas and a Maryland Christian school have been dropped from public programs, accused of discrimination for promoting Bible-based views of marriage and gender. In the most recent case David Roark, communications and resources director of the Plano, Texas campus of The Village Church, was dropped […]

Indian Christians Brutally Attacked by Hindus During Worship Service

Indian Christians Brutally Attacked by Hindus During Worship Service

(International Christian Concern) — Last Sunday, Christians were seriously injured in an attack by Hindu radicals in Belchori Village in the North Indian State of Jharkhand. The incident took place when eight Christian families from Friends Missionary Prayer Band refused to recant their Christian faith when threatened. At the expense of their faith, five of […]