Pastor Laments Professing Christians Who Defend TV Drama ‘Lucifer’: ‘It Is Deceptive Lie … to Claim Devil Could Be Redeemed’

Pastor Laments Professing Christians Who Defend TV Drama ‘Lucifer’: ‘It Is Deceptive Lie … to Claim Devil Could Be Redeemed’

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — A California pastor who is known for his warnings about the glorification of evil by Hollywood and the secular music industry has weighed in on reports that Netflix has decided to pick up the fourth season of the fantasy police drama “Lucifer” and the fact that a number of professing Christians […]

Canadian Supreme Court Rules Proposed Christian Law School Can Be Denied Accreditation as Lifestyle Covenant Could ‘Harm’ Homosexuals

Canadian Supreme Court Rules Proposed Christian Law School Can Be Denied Accreditation as Lifestyle Covenant Could ‘Harm’ Homosexuals

OTTAWA, Ontario — “Religious freedom can be limited where an individual’s beliefs or practices harm or interfere with the rights of others,” the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on Friday in issuing opinions in favor of the Law Society of British Columbia (LSBC) and the Law Society of Upper Canada’s (LSUC) decisions not to grant accreditation to a […]

Two Christian Colleges Granted Relief From Obamacare’s Abortion Pill Mandate

Two Christian Colleges Granted Relief From Obamacare’s Abortion Pill Mandate

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Two Christian colleges have been granted relief from what has been dubbed the abortion pill mandate in Obamacare, as the U.S. Department of Justice under the Trump administration dropped opposition to the legal challenge. U.S. District Judge Mark Bennett ruled on Tuesday that the mandate violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, […]

Spain Fines Christian Television Station 6,000 Euro for ‘Homophobic Content’

Spain Fines Christian Television Station 6,000 Euro for ‘Homophobic Content’

(Evangelical Focus) — The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC, in Spanish) has fined Revelation TV 6,000 Euro. The media group has its headquarters in the UK, defines itself as a Christian ministry, and broadcasts in Spain through satellite since 2012. According to the CNMC, the fine comes after an individual complained to the […]

Pew Research Shows Most Nominal ‘Christians’ in Western Europe Do Not Practice Their Profession

Pew Research Shows Most Nominal ‘Christians’ in Western Europe Do Not Practice Their Profession

(Evangelical Focus) — Most self-identified Christians in Western Europe do not practice their profession. This is one of the main conclusions of the newest Pew Research report on religion entitled “Being Christian in Western Europe.” According to the research conducted in 15 European countries, about 18% of the population are church-attending Christians. 46% describe themselves […]

Christians in Nepal Suspect Hindu Extremists in Sudden Attacks on Churches

Christians in Nepal Suspect Hindu Extremists in Sudden Attacks on Churches

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Christians in Nepal are alarmed after this month’s sudden series of arson and bomb attacks on four church buildings, and church leaders suspect authorities are lax in investigating. At the same time, six Christians were arrested for evangelizing while suspected Hindu extremists launched attacks on three church buildings and bombed […]

Ten Killed in Attack on Christian College in South Sudan

Ten Killed in Attack on Christian College in South Sudan

(World Watch Monitor) — At least ten people, including five children, have been killed in an attack on a college in South Sudan teaching theology, education and business, according to the Christian charity Open Doors International. Three guards and five students—one secondary and four primary school pupils—were among the victims of the 14 May attack […]

New York AG Who Sued Pro-Life Christians for ‘Harassing’ Abortive Mothers Resigns Over Alleged Violence Against Women

New York AG Who Sued Pro-Life Christians for ‘Harassing’ Abortive Mothers Resigns Over Alleged Violence Against Women

ALBANY, N.Y. — The New York attorney general who aggressively sued 14 pro-lifers last June in claiming that they “harass” abortion-minded mothers outside of an abortion facility in Jamaica has resigned amidst allegations that he physically abused four women with whom he had sexual relationships. Eric Schneiderman, 63 and an outspoken #Metoo supporter, denied the charges […]