Experts Warn of Negative Consequences as Parenthood Outside of Marriage Gains Popularity

Experts Warn of Negative Consequences as Parenthood Outside of Marriage Gains Popularity

NEWPORT, South Wales – Recent research from both the U.S. and U.K. suggests that the percentage of children born outside of wedlock continues to steadily increase, but—at the same time—experts continue to reaffirm the healthiness of the Biblical family structure. Detailed data released on Wednesday by the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals that […]

U.K. Senior Judge: Bed & Breakfast Owner Discriminated Against Homosexuals By Denying Room

U.K. Senior Judge: Bed & Breakfast Owner Discriminated Against Homosexuals By Denying Room

LONDON – A senior judge in the U.K. has ruled that the owner of a bed and breakfast ‘directly discriminate[d]’ against two homosexual men by not allowing them to spend the night together in a bedroom. For six years, Susanne Wilkinson has been the owner of the three-room Swiss Bed and Breakfast in Cookham, England. […]

Louisiana Sunday School Ministry Allowed to Resume Outreaches in Public Park Following Lawsuit

Louisiana Sunday School Ministry Allowed to Resume Outreaches in Public Park Following Lawsuit

BATON ROUGE – Thanks to legal support from a religious rights advocacy group, a Sunday school ministry in Louisiana can once again hold events in a public park after being forced by officials in 2010 to stop the public meetings. In 2005, after receiving permission from Baton Rouge’s Recreation and Park Commission, Voices of Mercy […]

Republican Governor Forces North Carolina House to Revise Abortion Bill Under Threat of Veto

Republican Governor Forces North Carolina House to Revise Abortion Bill Under Threat of Veto

RALEIGH — The North Carolina House of Representatives altered a proposed abortion bill this week after Republican Governor Pat McCrory threatened to veto the legislation over his belief that it would restrict women’s access to an abortion. As previously reported, the North Carolina Senate recently passed a number of abortion-related amendments that it attached to […]

Sixth Grader Wins Right to Share Pro-Life Literature With Classmates Following Federal Lawsuit

Sixth Grader Wins Right to Share Pro-Life Literature With Classmates Following Federal Lawsuit

ST. PAUL — A sixth grade student in Minnesota has won her right to share pro-life literature with her classmates following a federal lawsuit filed on her behalf by a Christian legal organization. As previously reported, in February of this year, Annie Zinos distributed fliers regarding the issue of abortion to her classmates during lunchtime. One […]

Archaeologist: Discovery of Historic Israeli Jar Fragment Confirms Bible’s Reliability

Archaeologist: Discovery of Historic Israeli Jar Fragment Confirms Bible’s Reliability

JERUSALEM – A renowned Israeli archaeologist has announced the discovery of an earthenware jug from the Davidic era that features the oldest alphabetical text ever unearthed in Jerusalem. Dr. Eilat Mazar is a professional archaeologist with a track record of remarkable Israeli discoveries, especially in and around Jerusalem. In 2005, she uncovered several remnants believed to […]

Evolutionists: University’s Hiring of Second Creation Advocate Could Be ‘Serious Blow’ to Reputation

Evolutionists: University’s Hiring of Second Creation Advocate Could Be ‘Serious Blow’ to Reputation

MUNCIE – A large state-run university in eastern Indiana is once again the focus of pressure from evolutionists after the school hired a professor who has openly supported creation and intelligent design. As previously reported, Ball State University (BSU) Professor Eric Hedin was slammed by atheists earlier this summer for mentioning non-evolutionary theories in an honors […]

ACLU Files Suit Seeking to Strike Down Pennsylvania’s Longstanding Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ban

ACLU Files Suit Seeking to Strike Down Pennsylvania’s Longstanding Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ban

HARRISBURG — As the first of several lawsuits expected in the weeks ahead, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a legal challenge seeking to strike down a 17-year-old ban on same-sex marriage in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The lawsuit, Whitewood v. Corbett, was filed on Tuesday in Harrisburg against several high-ranking government officials, including […]

Muslim Jihadists Kill Over 40 Children in Ambush on Nigerian School

Muslim Jihadists Kill Over 40 Children in Ambush on Nigerian School

YOBE, Nigeria – Over 40 Nigerians, some of whom may have been Christians, were killed Saturday in a ruthless attack by Muslim militants affiliated with Boko Haram. According to an Open Doors USA press release, several Islamic militants carrying containers full of fuel descended upon a boarding school in northeastern Nigeria during pre-dawn hours Saturday. […]

Judge Blocks Wisconsin’s New Abortion Law: Restrictions Will Cause ‘Irreparable Harm’ to Women

Judge Blocks Wisconsin’s New Abortion Law: Restrictions Will Cause ‘Irreparable Harm’ to Women

MADISON – Three days after Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed several pro-life measures into law, a federal judge temporarily blocked a portion of the new legislation, claiming the measures would cause “irreparable harm” to some women. As previously reported, Governor Walker on Friday approved Senate Bill 206 (SB206), which calls for increased health standards in […]