Groups Predict Mass Exodus From Boy Scouts Over Vote to Allow Openly Homosexual Members

Groups Predict Mass Exodus From Boy Scouts Over Vote to Allow Openly Homosexual Members

A number of Christian groups across the nation are predicting that there will be a ‘mass exodus’ from the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) following yesterday’s vote to permit openly homosexual boys and teens as members. As previously reported, the results of the vote were announced Thursday evening, with over 60 percent in favor of […]

Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor Granted Right to Display ‘Free Ultrasound’ Sign at Planned Parenthood

Ann Arbor, Michigan — A district judge in Michigan has issued a stipulating order allowing a pro-life sidewalk counselor to display a “free ultrasound” sign and others in his car outside of Planned Parenthood while his case moves forward in court. As previously reported, Paul Dobrowolski was ticketed last year for displaying signs inside of his […]

Boy Scouts Vote to Lift Ban on Openly Homosexual Members

Boy Scouts Vote to Lift Ban on Openly Homosexual Members

Grapevine, Texas — The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has voted to lift its ban on openly homosexual members. The results of the vote were announced Thursday evening, with over 60 percent in favor of altering the organization’s current policy, which does not bar those struggling with homosexuality, but rather prohibits “open or avowed homosexuals or […]

Pope Francis: ‘Jesus Broadens the Horizon’ to Embrace Atheists Who ‘Do Good’

Rome, Italy — Controversy is stirring over statements made by Pope Francis on Wednesday during a homily delivered at the Vatican, where he commented on the ability of all men to do good, including atheists. According to Vatican Radio, in speaking to his audience about his desire for unity, Francis discussed a passage from Mark […]

U.S. Department of State Releases Grim Outlook for Global Religious Freedom

U.S. Department of State Releases Grim Outlook for Global Religious Freedom

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Department of State released the 2012 International Religious Freedom Report on Monday, which summarizes the most concerning instances of religious oppression around the globe. The 23-page document is the 14th annual report of its kind, and is a fulfillment of the October 1998 International Religious Freedom Act. While the report touches […]

Muslims Shout ‘Allah Akbar’ While Beheading British Soldier With Meat Cleaver on London Street

Muslims Shout ‘Allah Akbar’ While Beheading British Soldier With Meat Cleaver on London Street

London, England — Two Muslim men beheaded a British soldier in broad daylight on Tuesday, then dumped his lifeless body in the road. According to reports, the two young Muslim males hit the soldier with a car, then hacked him to death with a meat cleaver, all the while yelling “Allah Akbar,” meaning “God is […]

Outspoken Pastor Accepts Republican Nomination for Virginia Lieutenant Governor

Outspoken Pastor Accepts Republican Nomination for Virginia Lieutenant Governor

Richmond, Virginia — An outspoken pro-life and pro-family pastor has accepted the Republican nomination to run for Virginia Lieutenant Governor. Bishop E.W. Jackson has been known across the country for his strong rebukes to the Democratic Party, especially during the 2012 presidential election. “The Democrat Party has made an unholy alliance between certain so-called civil […]

Ball State University Science Professor Under Fire for Questioning Evolution

Ball State University Science Professor Under Fire for Questioning Evolution

Muncie, Indiana – A state-run university in Indiana is receiving heated criticism after one of its professors was accused of promoting Christianity in a physical science class. Ball State University (BSU) is a large research institution located in eastern Indiana, and is home to approximately 22,000 students and 3,000 faculty members. One of the instructors […]