Pentagon Responds to Concerns Over Proposed Punishment for Superiors Who Proselytize Subordinates

Washington, D.C. — The Pentagon has responded to concerns over reports that an atheist organization has asked the government to enforce a military regulation that prohibits proselytization by superiors. As previously reported, Mikey Weinstein of The Military Religious Freedom Foundation recently told reporter Todd Starnes that he wants to end conversion efforts by military leaders, and […]

Evangelist Receives Violent Messages for Opposing Public Pot Smoking at Historic National Park

Evangelist Receives Violent Messages for Opposing Public Pot Smoking at Historic National Park

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — A Philadelphia-based evangelist who recently expressed his concerns about the failure of rangers at Independence National Historical Park to deal with illegal pot smoking at the renown public park has now been receiving violent messages from those angered by his beliefs. As previously reported, Michael Marcavage of Repent America and several other Christians […]

Evangelist ‘Won’t Back Down’ From National Day of Prayer Event Despite Homosexual Activist Complaints

Evangelist ‘Won’t Back Down’ From National Day of Prayer Event Despite Homosexual Activist Complaints

Washington, D.C. — A prominent evangelist who was asked to speak at a National Day of Prayer gathering today in Washington, D.C. has refused to pull out of the event despite calls for him to do so by homosexual activists. Greg Laurie of the Harvest Crusades and Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California is this […]

Former Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan Comes Out in Support of Homosexual Adoption

Former Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan Comes Out in Support of Homosexual Adoption

Janesville, Wisconsin — Former Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan, who made a bid for the White House as the running mate of Republican nominee Mitt Romney last year, revealed this week that he now believes that homosexuals should be able to adopt children. Ryan was speaking at a town hall gathering in Janesville, Wisconsin when […]

Atheist Military Organization Asks Pentagon to Court Martial Superiors Who Share Faith With Troops

Atheist Military Organization Asks Pentagon to Court Martial Superiors Who Share Faith With Troops

Albuquerque, New Mexico — An atheist organization that seeks freedom from religion in the military is asking officials at the Pentagon to court martial any Armed Forces superior who “promote[s] their personal religious beliefs to their subordinates” or “extend[s] preferential treatment for any religion.” The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, led by Mikey Weinstein, recently told […]

FDA Makes Morning-After Pill Available Over-the-Counter, Lowers Purchasing Age for Teens

FDA Makes Morning-After Pill Available Over-the-Counter, Lowers Purchasing Age for Teens

Washington, D.C. — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Tuesday that it is now making the morning-after pill, also known as Plan B, available over-the-counter, and is lowering the purchasing age for teen girls. The move comes weeks after a court order to lift the age limit for accessibility to the pill, and […]

American Pastor Imprisoned In Iran Thrown Into Solitary Confinement

American Pastor Imprisoned In Iran Thrown Into Solitary Confinement

An American pastor that is imprisoned in his homeland of Iran for planting house churches in the country a decade ago has been moved to solitary confinement, reports state. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which has been fighting for the release of Saeed Abedini, states that ten prisoners, including the pastor, were […]

Attorney for ‘House of Horrors’ Abortionist Claims Prosecutors Have ‘Racist’ Motive Behind Charges

Attorney for ‘House of Horrors’ Abortionist Claims Prosecutors Have ‘Racist’ Motive Behind Charges

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — As closing arguments were presented in the case of a notorious Philadelphia abortionist that is facing multiple counts of first degree murder, along with other state and federal charges, the attorney for Kermit Gosnell told the jury that he believed his client was being targeted because he is a black man that […]

ESPN Anchor on Live TV: Homosexuality is ‘Sin, Open Rebellion to God’

ESPN Anchor on Live TV: Homosexuality is ‘Sin, Open Rebellion to God’

Following the announcement that NBA star Jason Collins had come out as a homosexual, ESPN commentator Chris Broussard declared on national television today that homosexuality is a sin against God, and that a person who willingly lives an unrepentant lifestyle cannot call themselves a Christian. “I’m a Christian,” he began as he spoke on Outside […]

Pennsylvania Group Stands its Ground Against Atheist Attempts to Remove Ten Commandments

Pennsylvania Group Stands its Ground Against Atheist Attempts to Remove Ten Commandments

Connellsville, Pennsylvania — A Pennsylvania group is standing its ground against atheist demands to remove a Ten Commandments at a local junior high school. Thou Shall Not Move, led by Pastor Ewing Marietta of Liberty Baptist Church, was founded as an effort to help support the Connellsville School District after it was sued by the […]