As the U.S. Supreme Court weighs two important cases on homosexual marriage, scout leaders and parents of scouts have announced the formation of a coalition to keep the ban on open homosexuality in the Boy Scouts of America.
The coalition converged in Orlando, Florida over the weekend, where 15 scoutmasters representing 13 states spoke to the media.
“We don’t think sex and politics should be injected into Boy Scouts,” declared John Stemberger, a former scoutmaster who now works as an attorney. “This change is not needed; it doesn’t change any existing problems and could cause even more problems.”
Others present warned that if the Boy Scouts of America changes its policy on open homosexuals, then it can expect to see a lot of parents pulling their sons out out of the organization, as well as leaders resigning in a mass exodus.
“This discussion [about lifting the ban] simply needs to stop. Scouting will never be the same,” stated Thomas Dillingham of McKinney, Texas, who has already resigned from his leadership position. “One hundred and three years of proven success cannot be wrong.”
National representatives Wayne Brock and Tico Perez were also present, and advised that they weren’t sure what kind of changes may be made, if any.
“We know the younger generation does not view this the same way the older generation does,” Brock commented. “They don’t understand what the big deal is.”
As previously reported, the headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America announced in January that it was considering the revocation of its ban on openly homosexual leaders and members.
“The BSA is discussing potentially removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation,” outlined spokesperson Deron Smith in a written statement. “The policy change under discussion would allow the religious, civic or educational organizations that oversee and deliver scouting to determine how to address this issue.”
The following month, the organization advised that it would postpone its decision until May.
“After careful consideration and extensive dialogue within the scouting family, along with comments from those outside the organization, the volunteer officers of the Boy Scouts of America’s National Executive Board concluded that due to the complexity of this issue, the organization needs time for a more deliberate review,” it wrote in a written statement.
The period of waiting has some on pins and needles, but others are glad that the Scouts have decided not to move hastily. Alex Mason, policy analyst for the Family Policy Network in Forest, Virginia, told Christian News Network that the Boy Scouts of America needs to be more careful with whom its selects for its influential national leadership positions.
“For a while now, the Board of Directors for the Boy Scouts has inducted members who openly and publicly reject the immorality of homosexuality in favor of our culture’s current push for legitimization of sexual deviancy,” he stated. “Often times, these members are selected because they are leaders of high-profile companies or organizations and can provide monetary support for the Boy Scouts, but they also come into the Boy Scouts with a commitment to bringing the organization in line with the homosexual agenda.”
“No doubt, these saboteurs have been working behind the scenes in order to undermine the Boy Scouts’ long-standing commitment to shielding young men from vice and corruption,” he added.
Mason advised that if the ban on open homosexuals in the Boy Scouts is removed, it may snowball into other moral crises.
“When one standard is removed, another takes its place. If the Boy Scouts’ policy is changed, it is just a matter of time before BSA will have a merit badge for homosexual activism,” he explained. “This shortsighted and dangerous idea will only lead to the abuse and corruption of young men and boys. Homosexuals are not always pedophiles, but anyone who doesn’t see the increased incidence of pedophilia among homosexuals simply isn’t paying attention.”
Mason outlined, however, that first and foremost, the decision of whether open homosexuals should be permitted in the Boy Scouts must be viewed through the lens of Scripture, which he states many are just not doing.
“Pragmatic arguments are fine — like concerns regarding child exploitation and predicting the mass exodus of Biblically-sound churches with affiliated troops, but those arguments should never stand on their own,” he stated. “Part of the Scout Oath is a commitment to remaining ‘morally straight.’ God’s definition of ‘morally straight’ prohibits homosexuality and all sexual relations outside of one-man, one-woman marriage. God, through His Word, has given humans a clear picture of the boundaries within which He intended human sexuality to function.”
“God has called homosexuality an abomination,” Mason concluded, citing God’s law in Leviticus 18:22. “Any culture that encourages it will incur God’s judgment.”
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