SUPERIOR, Wisc. — The school board in Superior, Wisconsin voted last week to reject a complaint filed by an unidentified parent seeking the removal of a book that promotes homosexuality.
The complaint was lodged against the book, “Emma and Meesha My Boy: A Two Mom Story”, which is being used in elementary school classrooms as early as 1st grade.
The book, which is several years old and popular in the homosexual community, is designed to expand children’s understanding and definition of what constitutes a family. Emma, the little girl in the story, has two mothers who teach her how to kindly treat her pet cat. Well-known actress and homosexual activist Rosie O’Donell stated years ago, “I read it—I loved it—[my partner’s daughter] Chelsea reads it every night.”
“This is Emma. She lives with her two moms and a chubby housecat,” the book begins. “Just so you know who’s who, let me tell you that one of the moms is Mama and the other is Mommy. That makes two.”
Superintendent Janna Stevens explained following the complaint that the book can be found in several school and classroom libraries, but is not part of the district’s curriculum. This past week, the Superior School Board voted 5-1 to reject the parents wish to pull the book from the libraries, expressing that one complaint was not sufficient grounds for removal.
The lone dissenting vote on the board was Steve Stupak, who stated that he believes the book is targeting too young of an audience,
“Older children, I think, can make their own decisions,” Stupak said during the board meeting. “In this particular case, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Stupak, though, is not the only dissenting voice. David Weigand, a father of five, local businessman and former school board member in West Bend, finds the book and the school district’s actions “reprehensible.”
“Many school boards do not accurately reflect the views of their respective community. They often impose their own agenda,” he said in an interview.
Weigand believes that voter apathy allows such individuals to remain in positions of influence despite how incongruous their views may be with the public at large.
“Too many parents are either unaware or are too busy to see what’s going on and try to change things,” he stated.
“Our children should be encouraged to build strong healthy families. The basis of such has always been one man and one woman in lifelong fidelity. That is what is proven to work.” Weigand continued. “It is time for parents to take their schools back and get involved.”
As previously reported, in 2013, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued a school district in Utah for removing a book from its elementary school libraries that promoted homosexuality. The book “In Our Mother’s House” was initially taken off the shelves after a group of parents submitted a petition to the Davis School District expressing their disgust at its content. The four elementary schools that carried the book, however, placed the book behind the counter, so it could still be borrowed if requested and with parental consent.
Throughout the lawsuit, attorneys for the Davis School District argued that the book violated the state’s sexual education law, which prohibits any “advocacy of homosexuality.” The ACLU and various homosexual groups continued to put pressure on the schools to replace the book anyway, and the district agreed to a settlement, while contending that the decision wasn’t a total loss because parents could still block their children from checking out certain books at the library.
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