WASHINGTON — A new report released by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) shows that the abortion giant Planned Parenthood received $1.5 billion in taxpayer funding from 2010-2012.
The report was released after over 70 Congressmen requested that the Office compile a report on how federal funds endowed by Title X and other provisions are used by the organization and other pro-abortion groups. Title X was created under the Public Health Service Act of 1970, and is overseen by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Population Affairs.
Reps. Joseph Pitts (R-Pa.), Christopher Smith (R-NJ), Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), Diane Back (R-Tenn.), Randy Weber (R-Texas), Bob Latta (R-Ohio), and Sens. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and John Boozman (R-Ark.) were among those who had submitted the request.
In addition to Planned Parenthood, the Population Council, the International Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Guttmacher Institute, Advocates for Youth and Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States were included in the report.
Out of the $1.7 billion allotted to the groups, Planned Parenthood overwhelmingly received the most federal funding, being granted $1.5 billion over the three-year span, or $500 million each year.
While the federal Hyde Amendment prohibits taxpayer money from being used to fund abortions, organizations such as Planned Parenthood are still permitted to received funding under Title X since they provide other services other than abortion, such as sexual education, contraception, homosexual advocacy, and STD and HIV/AIDS testing.
According to the government report, nearly $14 million allotted to Planned Parenthood by USAID alone was used for “family planning” purposes, while just $3 million was used for maternal and child health.
As previously reported, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America released its own report earlier this year, during which the organization outlined that it performed 327,653 abortions nationwide during the 2013-2014 fiscal year, up from 327,166 the year prior. In comparison, there were 1,880 adoption referrals, down 14 percent from 2012, equating to 174 abortions for every adoption referral.
Lawmakers expressed concern over the findings of the GAO report.
“Sixteen months ago, I joined seventy-one fellow members of Congress to demand a Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigation into how Planned Parenthood, the largest abortionist in the world, uses our tax dollars,” wrote Rep. Huelskamp wrote in a statement on Wednesday. “Last week, GAO finally completed their investigation and confirmed much of what we already knew—massive amounts of taxpayer dollars are being pocketed by a group that is snuffing out the lives of nearly 900 babies every day.”
“Handing over 500 million tax dollars annually to a group of abortionists rife with abuses, including fraudulent Medicaid claims, cover-up of rape and incest, and violations of the Hyde Amendment is not only controversial—it is immoral,” he said.
“This report confirms what we suspected all along: hard-earned taxpayer dollars continue to be used to promote abortions,” added Rep. Black. “The GAO study found that Planned Parenthood Federation of America alone—the nation’s largest abortion provider—spent about $1.5 billion in combined federal and state funding during this reporting period. This is shameful and we have a responsibility to stop it.”
“As a nurse for more than 40 years, I know that abortion is not health care,” she continued. “In light of this report, Congress should act swiftly by passing the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, which would help cut off federal funding of organizations like these that promote the destruction of unborn life.”
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