A blasphemous skit mocking bakeries that decline forms of participation in same-sex “weddings” aired on Saturday Night Live this past weekend, portraying two homosexual men taking a baker to court to force her to say that “God is gay.”
The segment, entitled “God Is a B**b Man,” features comedienne Vanessa Bayer, who plays a small town baker named Beth Walsh.
In the movie trailer parody of the “God’s Not Dead” films, a man enters Walsh’s bakery and requests a wedding cake.
“Of course,” Walsh replies. “Where’s the lucky bride?”
“He’s right here,” the man responds as his male partner approaches. “Now make the cake.”
“They wanted her to spit the face of God,” the announcer declares, as the man demands to a frustrated Walsh, “I said make the cake!”
As she states that she can’t go through with it, the man calls out, “You’ll be hearing from our Jewish lawyer.”
When Walsh appears in front of the attorney, she is told to confess that God is a homosexual.
“My clients just need you to say three simple words,” the attorney states.
“God is gay,” the man who had ordered the cake declares.
“But He’s not gay,” Walsh answers. “God is as straight as they come.”
“Then I guess we’ll be seeing you in court,” the attorney replies.
Walsh then appears to court to “prove once and for all that God is straight,” making sexual gestures before those gathered and declaring, “If God is gay, then why aren’t there any gay priests?”
A mock crowd stands outside of the court in support of Walsh, holding signs such as “God just needs to find the right woman” and “God is a ladies man.”
“Miss Walsh, you are on thin ice,” the judge angrily states. “You know God is gay. Just admit it!”
“No,” Walsh firmly replies.
The trailer spoof then shows Walsh interrupting her governor’s meeting on state crises to request help as she “wants to deny basic goods and services to gay people.” The governor then clears the room, declaring that her issue takes priority.
When she is given her last chance in court to declare that “God is gay,” Walsh stands up and blurts out, “God is a b**b man!”
The YouTube posting of the skit has now gone viral, generating nearly three million views in just three days.
Viewer reaction has been mixed, with much profanity unleashed from both sides.
“This is coming from a faithful Christian. I [expletive] love it. God bless you SNL,” one commented.
“I just want to say I’m Christian … and as much as I try to find this bad, I just can’t! Its so hilarious!” another wrote.
“In the last days there would be scoffers!” one said, alluding to Scripture. “When all stand before the Master and give an account, there will be no scoffing that day!”
“Isn’t it interesting when people defend God and base things off of His word, everybody gets upset and offended and wants to fight or go against it, but when someone makes fun of Christianity and mocks God, people love it get a rise and laugh?” another asked.
“Let me see you do a parody video like this about Muhammad and his 9 year old bride,” one viewer remarked.
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