WASHINGTON — A former abortionist turned pro-life OB/GYN told a Congressional panel on Thursday that she lives with the realization that she is a “mass murderer” because of all the lives she ended.
“We know from a scientific standpoint that the baby in the womb is a human being and not just a blob of tissue,” Dr. Kathi Aultman stated before the House Judiciary Committee as support for the Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017. “Birth changes nothing but the baby’s environment. What justification do we have to deny them personhood and human rights until after their birth?”
She explained that there were three cases that opened her eyes about the evils of abortion. The first was a situation where a woman on whom Altman had performed three abortions returned a fourth time.
“I was told by the clinic staff that it was her right to choose to use abortion as her method of birth control and that I had no right to pass judgment on her or to refuse to do the procedure,” she recalled. “I told them it was fine for them to say, but that I was the one who had to do the killing.”
The second incident involved a woman who was asked by an accompanying friend if she wanted to see the baby, and straightforwardly proclaimed, “No! I just want to kill it.”
The third matter involved a mother of four who felt that she could not afford another child and wept throughout her time at the abortion facility.
“What struck me was the apathy of the first patient and the hostility of the second, contrasted with the sorrow and misery of the woman who knew what it was to have a child,” Aultman recalled. “I had finally made the connection between fetus and baby, and realized that the baby was the innocent victim in all of this.”
“The fact that it was unwanted was no longer enough justification for me to kill it, and I could no longer do abortions,” she explained.
Aultman, now retired from her OB/GYN practice, outlined that she has come to realize that the abortion industry is replete with “extreme propaganda.”
“We have sanitized our language to make abortion more palatable and talk about the ‘fetus’ instead of the baby, and ‘terminating the pregnancy’ rather than ‘killing the baby,'” she lamented. “We have have moved farther away from the idea that life is precious and closer to the utilitarian attitudes that destroyed so many lives during the last century.”
“More and more we are embracing a culture of death that only values the strong and healthy,” Aultman said.
And as much as she enjoys seeing the children that she delivered years ago all grown up, it also reminds her of the people who are not here because she killed them.
“I love to meet adults that I delivered, but it’s always bittersweet because I am reminded of all the people I will never meet because I aborted them. It also reminds me that I am a mass murderer,” Aultman bluntly told Congress. “Because we can’t see who they will become, we feel justified in sacrificing babies in the womb for the people we can see.”
According to her bio, Aultman worked as the medical director of Planned Parenthood of Jacksonville from 1981 to 1983, and was also the co-founder of the Rape Treatment Center.
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