LONDON — Evangelists from around world have descended upon London, England to share the gospel of Jesus Christ during the 2012 Olympic games.
“God has literally gathered the nations of the earth here and we praise Him for letting His gospel go forth. What a joy it has been serving alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ here in London,” stated Noman Kenneth of Glasgow, Scotland. “Many have come from the USA who I don’t even know and we bump into each other while handing out tracts [and preaching].”
“It was amazing to see droves of people from all around the world gathered in one small place,” stated Justin Edwards from The Speak: Truth Project of Charlotte, North Carolina. “I’ve never experienced this type of preaching environment where so many people stopped to listen to the preaching. People were out enjoying themselves seemingly with no where particular to go, so they had time to stop and listen.”
The men state that many other religious groups and cults were out on the streets in full force, however.
“I think we were the only Christian witness [in an area where] I met three different Muslim groups,” explained Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity Ministries of Jackson, New Jersey. “Clearly the London Muslim evangelists are better attended, organized and in force than the Christians.”
“The spirit of antichrist is alive and well here,” Edwards added.
The evangelistic event, which was spearheaded by Sports Fan Outreach International, included participants from at least a dozen other Christians from countries as far away as Norway and South Africa.
According to reports, the men have been preaching in some of the most historic locations in London, such as Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Shakespeare’s Theater and Metropolitan Church where Charles Spurgeon was known to have served the Body of Christ for many years.
“Praise the Lord to see the Lord manifest His grace in the lives of His [servants],” proclaimed Shane Sands of United in Christ Jesus Ministries in St. Augustine, Florida. “To hear the name above all names, Jesus, exalted and His gospel proclaimed was such an honor and blessing.”
While others are in London seeking a gold medal for their sporting abilities, the evangelists state that their greatest prize is seeing lives being touched and impacted by the preaching of the gospel.
“Two young skateboarding teenage girls took tracts as they passed me preaching, then turned around asking for Bibles, and following them a father and daughter returned after I finished the message to request a free Bible,” Edwards recounted.
“While several of us engaged a self-professed Luciferian named David with the truth, we had a brother who we didn’t know sit beside us and pray over David the entire time we were witnessing to him,” he said. “I was also able to observe a young woman seemingly broken over her sins through tears while [one of my friends] explained the gospel to her.”

Edwards stated that he was especially impacted by an encounter that he had with a homeless woman named Sharron. He explained that at first, he approached Sharron to pet her Italian mastiff dog, but ended up finding himself giving her what appeared to be a message from the Lord.
“I asked Sharron if I could pet her dog and she allowed me to do so. Kneeling down to pet Jack, I told Sharron that whatever circumstance she was going through, there is hope for her,” he explained. “I offered a free Bible with a gospel tract inside, of which she gladly received, and began to gently weave God’s Law and man’s plight through the gospel. In telling Sharron that Jesus freely offers her mercy and forgiveness, tears streamed down her face.”
“Then Sharron said something to the effect of, ‘Everything you just said to me is an answer to prayer,'” he continued. “I asked, “What do you mean?” Sharron replied, ‘The sentence you said about forgiveness, I prayed for the very same thing yesterday, and here you are telling me these things.'”
“I was pretty taken a back and amazed by the Lord’s work, and then asked to pray for her. As God alone knows the condition of Sharron’s heart, I prayed the gospel and for her salvation if she was not born again, as well as comfort and peace for Sharron as she goes through whatever trial she was going through,” Edwards said.
Sharron’s story has been documented online by a videographer, in which she explains that her homelessness is a result of domestic abuse, and that she also struggles with mental illness. Her children were also removed from her custody.
Sands also recalled one of his most powerful encounters after meeting a Muslim man named Omar.
“What started off like it might be heated suddenly turned into a time of going through the Scriptures,” he explained. “My heart lept when I saw him read a section of Scripture for himself, and he was completely taken back. Then he wanted me to exchange information, and wanted more information! I presented the gospel to him and left him in the hands of the Lord. May God grant him repentance and faith in Christ Jesus.”
Evangelist Tony Miano of Santa Clarita, California has been keeping a video journal of his experiences. In one of his episodes, he described an especially memorable encounter that he had while Bobby McCreery of Atlanta, Georgia was simply reading the Bible aloud to the crowds.
“[A] woman probably in her sixties or so came and stood beside me [as I was recording Bobby]. … She was just quietly standing there,” he explained. “[After a few moments], the lady moved from beside me and walked over and talked to [my fellow evangelist] Larry.”
“Within moments, Larry said, ‘Bobby! Bobby!'” he continued. “And Larry looks at me and Bobby and says, ‘Bobby, this lady wants to know what she has to do to be born again.”
He explained that the men then began to share the Law and the gospel with the woman, whose name was Ann.
“Towards the end of the conversation, I stepped in and simply asked Ann, ‘Is there any reason why you wouldn’t turn from your sin and put your trust in Jesus Christ right now?” Miano recounted happily. “And she started to tear up … and she said, ‘No, I think I’m doing that right now.'”
The men state that hundreds of tracts and Bibles are being distributed to event-goers and local residents every day, in addition to preaching to the large crowds and engaging in one-on-one discussions.
The Olympics, which began on July 27, will continue through August 12.
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