Dinesh D’Souza, president of the evangelical King’s College in New York City and co-director of the film 2016: Obama’s America, has denied having an affair, despite his recent engagement to another woman.
D’Souza, 51, filed for divorce from his wife Dixie, 44, earlier this month according to court records. However, during an evangelical Christian conference in September, D’Souza was accompanied by a younger woman that he introduced as being his fiance’.
When questioned by the media, D’Souza confirmed that the woman, Denise Odie Joseph II, who appears to be in her late twenties, was engaged to be his wife. He claims that he has only known Joseph for three months, but believes that she is “the one.”
Fox News published an article written by D’Souza today, in which he explained the relationship.
“My wife Dixie and I have been separated for two years. Dixie approached me and demanded this before I came to King’s College to become its president in late August 2010,” he wrote. “I informed the chairman of the college about this at the time.”
“I sought out advice about whether it is legal to be engaged prior to being divorced and I was informed that it is,” D’Souza continued. “Denise and I were trying to do the right thing. I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced, even though in a state of separation and in divorce proceedings.”
He states that he has now suspended the engagement, although the reason he introduced the woman as being his fiance’ was due to his belief that he was not involved in any wrongdoing.
“While World [Magazine] notes that my divorce filing was registered with the court on October 4 — giving the impression that I moved quickly on the day their reporter spoke to me — in reality I had been working with a San Diego law firm on this for the previous two weeks,” D’Souza said.
However, the board at King’s College has been taking the matter very seriously. It recently held a meeting to determine how to handle the revelations.
According to a staff member, the college cleared out an entire floor while the meetings were taking place and used noise machines outside the door to prevent anyone from eavesdropping on the conversation.
“The TKC Board also met Wednesday at noon and did not break until after dark, missing a scheduled dinner with 20 students selected from their Houses,” explained the student’s newspaper The Empire State Tribune. “D’Souza was present for part of the meeting…”
“[H]ere is a clear attempt to destroy my career and my ministry. This is viciousness masquerading as righteousness. And this is the behavior that is truly worthy of Christian condemnation,” D’Souza stated, referring to a recent news report that unveiled the matter after seeing D’Souza at the evangelical conference with Joseph last month and entering a hotel together. D’Souza asserts that both stayed in separate rooms, although they were booked at the same hotel.
“We are not and have not been having an affair,” he said.
The board of King’s College is expected to announce their decision later today.
D’Souza and his wife Dixie were married in 1992 and have one daughter.
Photo: Mark Taylor
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