Waco, Texas — Vandals in Waco, Texas have desecrated a memorial site that was erected in honor of the thousands of unborn babies that are killed in America by abortion.
Rusty Thomas of Elijah Ministries is also the founder of Rachel’s Park Memorial, named after Jeremiah 31:15, which speaks of Rachel weeping for her children because they are no more. The site features an expansive spread of 4,000 white crosses symbolizing the number of children killed by abortion each day in America, and contains the entombed remains of an unnamed aborted baby, also known as “the tomb of the unknown baby.”
“Rachel’s Park Memorial is specifically designed to deal with the deadly wound abortion has afflicted against our children, the family, the Church, our government, and our culture,” Thomas explained upon the dedication of the park in 2000. “We pray this first park will serve as a model and prototype for others to emulate. Our goal is to see the vision and mission of Rachel’s Park Memorial spread throughout America, one park in each state of the Union.”
On Saturday, while Thomas was in Florida conducting a pro-life outreach, he received word that the memorial had been heavily damaged by vandals. It appeared that some sort of vehicle drove through the area, knocking over the crosses and leaving pieces of automotive parts on the ground.
While Rachel’s Park Memorial has been damaged before by those that have sought to attack it, Thomas says that this incident is the most devastating to date. Approximately 600 crosses were knocked down or destroyed in a spread of 12 1/2 feet by 136 feet. The picket fence that enclosed the park was also damaged in the incident.
Although it remains unknown as to who vandalized Rachel’s Park Memorial, in driving through the expanse of crosses, the individual left pieces of the underside of their vehicle littered throughout the park as well as traces of motor oil. Automotive tires were also left at the scene.
Thomas says that an employee from a neighboring business reported the incident to the police on the morning of its discovery.
“It appears the animosity against the preborn knows no bounds,” he lamented. “Not only are we content as a nation to stand back and allow the preborn to die through the sin and crime of abortion, but now there are those among us who seek to destroy the very memory of these children as well.”
John Pisciotta, director of Pro-Life Waco, said that he was also disturbed by the attack.
“What a shock it was to see the heartless vandalism at Rachel’s Park Memorial,” he stated. “I had just returned Saturday evening from the Rally for Life at the steps of the State Capital for the occasion of 40 years of Roe v. Wade. What a contrast between the peaceful pro-life Rally for Life and the brutal destruction at Rachel’s Park Memorial. The supporters of ‘choice’ cannot even tolerate a memorial in honor of the pre-born babies lost to abortion.”
“We pray the Lord will take this desecration and lead justice to victory and that those responsible for this evil act will repent, find forgiveness in Christ, and make restitution,” Thomas said.
As previously reported, three pro-life Christians were also attacked with pepper spray in Mississippi last week as they were standing on the public sidewalk outside of the last remaining abortion facility in the state.
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