Mexico City, Mexico — Officials in Mexico have broken up an alleged sex slave cult that involved a man who claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
According to reports, the cult ran a ring right on the United States border, and sought to recruit women to have sexual relations with a man who said that he had lived as Jesus in a former life. The group, called “Defensores de Cristo” or “Defenders of Christ,” was stated to have forced some of its followers to work as prostitutes, and others were mandated to perform hard labor.
The National Immigration Institute says it filed a complaint about the cult over a year ago.
However, it was just recently that federal agents, along with the Institute and prosecutors, raided a house in Nuevo Laredo, just across the border from Laredo, Texas, and put an end to the group’s practices. It is stated that officials found members of “Defenders of Christ” inside of the house — including children — living in filthy conditions.
Fourteen of those suspected to be involved with the cult were taken into custody and handed over to prosecutors to possibly face charges. Those detained were from all parts of South America, as six were Spaniards, two each were from Brazil, Bolivia and Venezuela, one was from Argentina, and another from Ecuador. Ten Mexicans were also found at the house, and were mostly all women — presumably victims.
“Defenders of Christ” may still have branches in Peru and Argentina, reports state, and there remains contention over who exactly is the head of the sex slave ring. The group’s website says that its leader is Ignacio Gonzalez de Arriba (pictured), who has worked in the field of bio-programming, which involves tricking the mind into eliminating pain and suffering.
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