Mission Hills, California — Approximately fifty pro-life Christians are surrounding a popular abortion facility in Mission Hills, California today to expose and reprove its participation in the nation’s murder of unborn children.
Event organizer, Tony Miano, a full-time evangelist, blogger and talk show host, states that he is deeply disturbed that Mission Hills Family Planning Associates is shedding innocent blood in his own back yard.
“I’ve stood outside the Mission Hills Family Planning Associates (FPAMG) abortion clinic almost every Tuesday morning for nine months,” he explained. “When I asked one clinic worker how many babies would die that day, she smiled and shouted, ’50!'”
Miano stated that he has tried to express his concerns to the managers of the building that houses the abortion facility, but they have not been receptive.
“I have dealt with two representatives of the Moss Group, one who identified himself as a senior property manager, while standing outside the clinic. Neither went well.” he said. “In fact, the senior property manager became so irate and unprofessional; he hurled expletives my way as he was entering the building.”
Therefore, Miano said that he decided to recruit other Christians to join him outside of the facility to speak out against its presence in Mission Hills. His goal was to enlist 50 Christians for today’s event — one for every baby that is killed each day at Mission Hills Family Planning Associates.
Miano and the group met in Los Angeles last night to create the signs that they are displaying on the streets today, all of which simply declare, “Babies Are Murdered Here!” They also joined together for a time of prayer and the reading of the Scriptures.
“It’s time the pro-life movement starts calling abortion what it is — murder,” Miano stated. “And it’s time the men and women who participate in the murder of unborn children are brought to the knowledge of their sin against God. They are murderers.”
Miano said that a number of participants will be preaching the Gospel on the streets today as a part of the effort.
The producers of the upcoming documentary Babies Are Murdered Here are among those participating in the event, and will be filming footage for the hard-hitting movie. Babies Are Murdered Here, helmed by Crown Rights Media, analyzes and investigates both the good and bad aspects of the pro-life movement in America, the silence of the Church in the face of bloodshed, and the real life stories of men and women who are on the front lines of the abortion battle to rescue unborn children who are condemned to death.
“Our primary goal is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone associated with the abortion industry, from the women having abortions to the people working inside the clinics,” Miano outlined. “We don’t want anyone to perish in their sin. But we must stop showing deference to the feelings of women who are murdering their children. Yes, we must speak the truth in love, but it must be the whole truth.”
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