Outraged parents are flooding the provocative lingerie company Victoria’s Secret with complaints after it announced a new underwear line for girls in its sub-brand called “PINK.”
According to reports, girls can choose between a lacy black pair with the message “wild” on the back, a lace trimmed thong with the phrase “call me” or a polka-dot hip-hugger that asks “feeling lucky?”
After furor broke out on the company’s Facebook page over the new line being used with the sales slogan “bright young things,” Victoria’s Secret posted a statement for visitors.
“In response to questions we recently received, Victoria’s Secret PINK is a brand for college-aged women,” it wrote. “Despite recent rumors, we have no plans to introduce a collection for younger women. ‘Bright Young Things’ was a slogan used in conjunction with the college spring break tradition.”
However, Business Insider reports a different angle. It says that a Victoria’s Secret executive admitted that young girls might also take interest in the undergarment line.
“When somebody’s 15 or 16 years old, what do they want to be?” the publication reports Chief Financial Officer Stuart Burgdoerfer as stating. “They want to be older, and they want to be cool like the girl in college, and that’s part of the magic of what we do at Pink.”
Some opine that regardless of the age targeted, the underwear is more fitting for prostitutes than girls of honor.
“The innuendos that are posted on these are not proper for anyone–no matter what age!” one commenter named Gwen wrote. “In case one does not know how a Godly woman looks and behaves, may I suggest reading Proverbs 31.”
“Even if the line isn’t targeted for children, [why are you] encouraging young ladies to wear ‘call me’ undergarments on college Spring Break? Really poor message VS,” another visitor named Missie wrote. “Tacky & cheap.”
It is believed that much of the attention was drawn to the underwear line after a pastor in Houston, Texas wrote an open letter to the company to express his opposition.
“As a dad, this makes me sick,” Pastor Evan Dolive wrote. “There are many, many more questions that all young women should be asking themselves — not, ‘Will a boy or girl like me if I wear a ‘call me’ thong?'”
“I believe that this new line … thwarts the efforts of empowering young women in this country,” he continued. “‘[This underwear line] gives off the message that women are sex objects. This new line promotes it at a dangerously young age.”
The publication The Black Sphere agreed.
“Underwear that reads, ‘call me’ does nothing but cheapen a girl’s self-esteem while exacerbating the objectification of her God-given femininity. Our children are being objectified by retailers who see them as nothing more than a path to increased profits,” it stated. “Victoria’s Secret is ready to sacrifice our daughters’ innocence, compress their childhood, and devalue their self-worth all for the purpose of bolstering their bottom line.”
“Our daughters are precious, intrinsically valuable and deserve better. They deserve to be cherished and protected.”
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