Jackson, Mississippi — Legislators in Mississippi have passed a bill banning medication-induced abortions via webcam, which serve as a type of do-it-yourself pregnancy termination.
The state senate passed bill 2795 this week, known as The Women’s Defense Act of 2013, with only eight objectors, barring an increasingly common practice in the abortion industry to conduct pill-based abortions long distance. Webcam abortions occur in some states as a way for abortionists to simply talk to a woman through the computer about her abortion rather than coming in for a physical exam.
While there are currently no webcam abortions being conducted in Mississippi, legislators state that they have good reason for making sure they never occur.
“Court testimony by Planned Parenthood and other physicians demonstrates that physicians routinely fail to follow the mifepristone protocol as tested and approved by the FDA, and as outlined in the drug label,” the bill outlines. “Specifically, Planned Parenthood and other physicians are administering a single oral dose of two hundred milligrams of mifepristone, followed by a single vaginal dose of eight-tenths milligrams misopristol, through sixty-three days LMP, without medical supervision, and without follow-up care.”
Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit in February against the state of Wisconsin in an effort to have a similar bill overturned.
“[We want] to restore a woman’s access safe and legal comprehensive reproductive care and to put this decision back where it belongs – in a woman’s hands, in consultation with her family and her faith, with the counsel of her doctor,” the abortion provider asserted in legal documents filed in state court.
However, Mississippi lawmakers state that webcam abortions have been proven to be dangerous and devastating.
“Medical studies have indicated that one to two out of every one thousand women who undergo mifepristone abortions will require emergency blood transfusion for massive hemorrhage,” it continues. “By May 2006, the FDA reported that at least one hundred sixteen women required blood transfusions for massive bleeding after mifepristone abortions, with at least fifty-four losing more than half of their blood volume.”
While not the main focus of the measure, the bill does also assert that life begins at conception, defining an unborn child as “the offspring of human beings from conception until birth.”
As previously reported, Mississippi may become the first abortion-free state in the nation as the last remaining abortion facility, Jackson Women’s Health Organization, faces a violation and closure hearing this month.
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant has repeatedly stated that he wants to see the location permanently closed.
“My goal, of course, is to shut it down,” he candidly affirmed to reporters. “Now, we’ll follow the laws. The bill is in the courts now, related to the physicians and their association with a hospital. But, certainly, if I had the power to do so legally, I’d do so tomorrow.”
Bryant is likely to sign Senate Bill 2795 into law when the legislation reaches his desk in the days ahead. When signed, the law will officially go into effect on July 1st.
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