Fort Campbell, Kentucky — An Army lieutenant colonel recently issued an email alert to notify his subordinates of certain ‘domestic hate groups,’ which include Christian pro-family organizations.
Reporter Todd Starnes obtained a copy of the email, which was sent by an unnamed official stationed at Fort Campbell in Kentucky. It was received by approximately three dozen soldiers under his command.
“Many events have been taking place across the country – just want to ensure everyone is somewhat educated on some of the groups out there that do not share our Army values,” the email begins. “When we see behaviors that are inconsistent with Army values – don’t just walk by – do the right thing and address the concern before it becomes a problem.”
It then provides a list of various “domestic hate groups,” lumping “anti-gay” and “anti-Muslim” individuals with Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Confederate, Neo-Nazi, racist Skinhead and White Nationalist groups. The email then breaks down each group in a detailed description.
“Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians has been a central theme of Christian Right organizing and fundraising for the past three decades, a period that parallels the fundamentalist movement’s rise to political power,” it states. “For Christian Right leaders, the gay rights movement and its so-called ‘homosexual agenda’ are the prime culprits in the destruction of American society and culture.”
“In the words of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, the battle against gay rights is essentially a ‘second civil war’ to put control of the U.S. government in the right hands, meaning those who reject gay rights,” the email continues. “The religious right in America has employed a variety of strategies in its efforts to beat back the increasingly confident gay rights movement. One of those has been defamation. Many of its leaders have engaged in the crudest type of name-calling, describing LGBT people as ‘perverts’ with ‘filthy habits’ who seek to snatch the children of straight parents and ‘convert’ them to gay sex.”
It then lists Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council and Don Wildmon’s American Family Association as “anti-gay hate groups,” next to Westboro Baptist ‘Church.’
The email also targets organizations that it considers to be “anti-Muslim hate groups” following the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
“All anti-Muslim hate groups exhibit extreme hostility toward Muslims,” it outlines. “The organizations portray those who worship Islam as fundamentally alien and attribute to its followers an inherent set of negative traits. Muslims are depicted as irrational, intolerant and violent, and their faith is frequently depicted as sanctioning pedophilia, marital rape and child marriage.”
“Anti-Muslim hate groups allege that Muslims are trying to subvert the rule of law by imposing on Americans their own Islamic legal system, Shariah law,” the correspondence continues. “Anti-Muslim hate groups also broadly defame Islam, which they tend to treat as a monolithic and evil religion. These groups generally hold that Islam has no values in common with other cultures, is inferior to the West and is a violent political ideology rather than a religion.”
Among the plethora of organizations listed as being “anti-Muslim hate groups” include Christian Guardians, Concerned American Citizens, 9/11 Christian Center at Ground Zero and Christian Action Network.
Tony Perkins of Family Research Council said that he was shocked by the email alert to Army officials.
“It’s very disturbing to see where the Obama administration is taking the military and using it as a laboratory for social experimentation — and also as an instrument to fundamentally change the culture,” he stated. “The message is very clear: If you are a Christian who believes in the Bible, who believes in transcendent truth, there is no place for you in the military.”
However, Army spokesperson George Wright asserted that the military is not out to attack or undermine Christians.
“The notion that the Army is taking an anti-religion or anti-Christian stance is contrary to any of our policies, doctrines and regulations,” he said. “Any belief that the Army is out to label religious groups in a negative manner is without warrant.”
An investigation is now reportedly underway to find the individual responsible for sending the email and the motive behind it.
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