A GOP group that was formed last year to help finance Republicans who support the homosexual lifestyle has now upped the ante with a new lobbying effort to convince Republican legislators to vote in favor of same-sex marriage.
American Unity PAC is an organization launched by billionaire Paul Singer, and is comprised of other top GOP donors. The group’s sole focus is on the issue of homosexuality and the Republicans who approve of it.
“Our party and our nation are on a journey,” the American Unity website states. “Each day, more and more Americans are seeing their gay and lesbian neighbors through the prism of their own lives – recognizing they are deserving of the same rights and responsibilities under the law. ”
“As Republicans, we believe strongly in the American Dream. … For Americans who happen to be gay or lesbian, it goes one step farther, denying them the same rights and responsibilities extended to every other taxpaying family,” it continues. “Now is the time for good Republicans to stand up for those who stand with us and defend the principle so eloquently espoused by Vice President Dick Cheney – that ‘freedom means freedom for everyone.'”
American Unity PAC recently branched out into the American Unity Fund, where it has spent $500,000 on lobbying efforts in various states just since last month. Targeted areas include Rhode Island, Delaware, Indiana , West Virginia and Utah. According to reports, the funds are generally disbursed to local groups within each state that are working to push their legislators to support homosexual “marriage.”
In Rhode Island, the Senate Republican Caucus announced last week that it was unanimously backing the legalization of same-sex nuptials.
“We recognize that there is a national consensus building on this generational issue, and we are glad that support for the freedom to marry is growing within the Republican Party,” wrote Senator Dawson Hodgson in a statement. “Today we join the 209 other Republican state legislators across America who have stood up for the freedom to marry. As a united Senate Republican Caucus, we are proud to add our voices to reaffirm the principles of freedom and equality under the law.”
However, a number of Republicans across the country are still standing firm against the homosexual lifestyle, largely because of their faith.
“It’s part of Satan I think to say that this is ‘gay’. It’s anything but gay,” stated Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. “If you’re involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it’s bondage. It is personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement.”
“[I]t’s not a civil liberty; it’s an institution — it’s above. It’s something that God has created and is a cornerstone of civil society,” said Representative Marlin Stutzman of Indiana. “It’s vitally important that we protect marriage as something unique.”
“When you say it’s not a man and a woman anymore, then why not have three men and one woman or four women and one man?” asked Louie Gohmert of Texas. “Or why not, you know, somebody has a love for an animal or –? There is no clear place to draw a line once you eliminate the traditional marriage.”
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