ATLANTA — A nationally-recognized pro-life organization posted video footage on Monday of a man who went inside an abortion facility in Georgia to save the life of his unborn baby at the urging of a Christian sidewalk counselor.
The video, A Father Rescues His Child From Abortion, posted by Abolish Human Abortion, was recorded by sidewalk counselor Todd Bullis as he was calling out to men and women entering Feminist Women’s Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
“If your girlfriend or wife is in there having an abortion, you’re still a father, right?” he calls out to a man exiting his vehicle. “You’re just a father of a dead child.”
The man then begins to walk toward Bullis and greets him.
“So what are you doing here?” Bullis asks. “Are you having an abortion?”
When the man confirms that he was indeed at the facility for an abortion, Bullis then begins to explain the spiritual ramifications of ending the life of a child and urges him to stop his wife while there is still time.
“Do you know that all babies are created in the image of God?” he asks. “You’re actually a dad that killed his own flesh and blood–his own child–and God says that He hates those who shed innocent blood.”
“Be a hero, man,” Bullis urges. “This is your only chance to be a hero right now. … You’re a man. You’re supposed to defend your children.”
“The main thing is a physical, financial problem,” the man replies, listening intently.
“If she hasn’t done it yet, run in there and stop her,” Bullis advises. “Your child someday will be little and he’ll tug on your pants and say, ‘Papa, Papa, I love you.’ But you’re the type of man that says, ‘No, I’m going to kill you.’ And why? Why are you going to kill him?”
“You’re right,” the man admits. “You’re right. I’m wrong. I know.”
“I plead with you; be a man,” Bullis urges. “Go in and help your wife.”
Seconds later, the man gestures that he understands and turns to walk toward the abortion facility.
“Thank you,” he says to Bullis quietly as he walks away.
“I’ll pray for you, man,” Bullis calls out. “Hurry!”
The video then cuts to the man walking back across the parking lot after exiting the abortion facility.
“Did you change your decision?” Bullis asks. “Yes,” the man replies with a smile.
“So, no abortion?” Bullis inquires. “No,” the man responds, beaming, as the two then shake hands and hug.
“I bet your wife is happy,” Bullis says. “She’s going to look at you as a hero.”
“Appreciate you,” the man says as he walks away.
Moments later, the video cuts to the family pulling out of the parking lot with big smiles.
“I thank God for every save,” Bullis told Christian News Network. “I believe that abortion will be legal as long at Christians are willing to ignore our culture of child sacrifice. We are not talking about a choice here; we are talking about a culture that is okay with modern day child sacrifice. We as the bride of Christ must do the work our God has set before us.”
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