AUBURN, Ala. — A young woman whose mother who chose adoption over abortion after being sexually assaulted has won the title of homecoming queen at her university.
Now 22 years old, Mary Ann Dutton has garnered the 100th Miss Homecoming Queen title at Auburn University on a platform dedicated to adoption advocacy.
Dutton’s biological mother made the decision to have her baby adopted instead of terminating her pregnancy after her husband gave her the ultimatum of abortion or divorce.
Dutton’s campaign was centered on her own remarkable story and a message of hope to women in a similar situation to her own birth mother.
“Because that resource was available to my mother, she decided to give birth to me,” Dutton said in a campaign video. “And now here I am talking to you guys 22 years later.”
Dutton was adopted through the Christian adoption agency Lifeline Children’s Services in Birmingham, Alabama. During her campaign, which had the slogan “Light UP Life,” Dutton raised money for the agency.
She says that her goal is to let women know that there is help for women in crisis situations.
“I just want to show women that if you ever find yourself in this situation, there are resources out there,” she stated.
Dutton also says she feels honored to tell her story.
“I was given grace to carry that story,” she said. “My voice is a voice for the voiceless.”
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