WASHINGTON — A newly-released report by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America shows that the organization performed over 300,000 abortions in 2012–the latest figures on record.
According to the report, 327,166 abortions were performed during the 2012-2013 fiscal year, down from 333,964 in 2011. The decrease of 6,800 abortions tallies to a two percent drop from the previous year, but prenatal care services also dropped 31.9 percent, a significant decline in care for pregnant mothers.
Planned Parenthood cites that there were 2,197 adoption referrals during the period, equating to 149 abortions for every one referral.
Like 2011, Planned Parenthood’s largest focus was sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), as it tested and/or treated over 4 million people for sexual ailments, which included over 697,00 HIV tests, up by 17,000 from the previous year. There were over 3 million sexually transmitted infection tests provided alone.
Second in line to STD’s was the provision of contraception, which included the performance of over 821 sterilization procedures on women and over 1,3749 vasectomy operations on men nationwide—the latter figure being over double from the previous year. These surgeries render an individual infertile, unable to conceive children for life.
Over 3.7 million people were provided with contraceptives or other forms of birth control in 2012 — from temporary to permanent, including 1.5 million emergency contraception kits. Planned Parenthood notes that 515,000 “unintended pregnancies [were] prevented by these birth control services.”
Other analysts have noted that in addition to the organization’s drop in prenatal care, there was also a 14.22 percent drop in cancer screenings. However, its income was the largest ever, with $540.6 million in taxpayer funding/grants, and a total of $1.3 billion in net assets.
“We are stronger than ever because we are more diverse than ever,” Chair Alexis McGill Johnson and President Cecile Richards write in a forward to the report. “This year, the number of Planned Parenthood chapters on college campuses increased by 50 percent. We now have seven million supporters—more than 25 percent of our new supporters are under the age of 35 and a fifth are people of color.”
Randall O’Bannon, Director of Education and Research for the National Right to Life Committee, agreed that the organization is strong and powerful—but to the detriment of the nation.
“Planned Parenthood is rich, powerful, and politically well-connected. Every page of the 2012-2013 annual report signals that it will continue to aggressively promote its abortion agenda both here and abroad,” he wrote in a recent review of the report. “[T]here is nothing in these newest figures that threatens to dislodge Planned Parenthood as the nation’s largest abortion provider and promoter. PPFA accounts for at least 27%-29% of the intentional deaths of unborn babies in the United States.”

However, O’Bannon stated that the two percent decline in abortion services shows how many Americans can help to save lives by being active to reach out to abortion-minded mothers.
“It is clear that the wealthy abortion giant isn’t going to just walk away. But let this small drop in abortions be a reminder that the efforts of pro-lifers, educating their communities, voting, passing laws, reaching out to abortion vulnerable women, and praying can make a difference,” he said. “A woman who finds out there are better, life-affirming alternatives to abortion may decide not to be Planned Parenthood’s latest customer or conscript.”
Planned Parenthood was founded in 1921 by Margaret Sanger, which was originally known as the American Birth Control League. She later changed the name as some found it offensive.
“We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all,” Sanger once said, who was reportedly a staunch advocate of eugenics. “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Sanger was also the publisher of the newspaper The Woman Rebel, which she subtitled “No Gods, no masters.”
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