In a recent interview with Fusion TV, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards stated that she believes her children’s lives began at the time of delivery.
Richards was being interviewed on the broadcast America with Jorge Ramos, who posed a question regarding Richards’ personal views on when life begins.
“For you, when does life start?” Ramos asked. “When does a human being become a human being?”
“This is a question that I think will be debated through the centuries and people come down on very different points of view on that,” Richards replied.
“But for you, what’s that point?” Ramos again inquired.
Richards, in dodging the question, began to struggle with how to articulate her answer.
“I mean, it’s not something that I feel like is really part of this conversation,” she said. “I think every woman has to make her own decision.”
“What we do at Planned Parenthood is make sure that women have all their options for health care,” Richards continued. “They have an option to have a healthy pregnancy. They have an option to put up a child for adoption if they decide to carry a pregnancy to term, or they have a right to make a decision to terminate a pregnancy.”
Ramos, noting that his question had not been answered, then asked Richards why she would not state when she believes that life begins.
“Why would it be so controversial for you to say when you think life starts?” he inquired.
“I don’t know if it’s controversial,” Richards replied. “I don’t know that it’s really relevant to the conversation.”
“But, I mean, for me, I’m a mother of three children,” she continued. “For me, life began when I delivered them. They’ve been probably the most important thing in my life ever since. But that’s my own personal decision.”
As previously reported, a recent report from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America outlined that the organization performed 327,166 abortions during the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Planned Parenthood cited that there were 2,197 adoption referrals during the period, equating to 149 abortions for every one referral.
Planned Parenthood was founded in 1921 by Margaret Sanger, which was originally known as the American Birth Control League. She later changed the name as some found it offensive.
“We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all,” Sanger once said, who was reportedly a staunch advocate of eugenics. “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Sanger was also the publisher of the newspaper The Woman Rebel, which she subtitled “No Gods, no masters.”
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