Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’ released a book last week, in which he lambasts the biblical creation view and proclaims that the scientific evidence for evolution is incontrovertible.
As previously reported, Nye squared off with Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis earlier this year in a creation-evolution debate that was viewed by millions. Nye later declared that Ham’s creation beliefs are “bad for humankind,” then asserted that even if he ends up “going to Hell,” it still will not prove a young earth.
Now Nye has again waded into the creation-evolution controversy by releasing a new book entitled “Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation.” In the book, “the Science Guy” touts the many alleged scientific proofs for Darwin’s theory, contending that evolution is “the most meaningful creation story that humans have ever found.”
In an interview last week with the New York Times, Nye said he would love to get his book into the hands of young children before they fully accept the creation worldview.
“My biggest concern about creationist kids is that they’re compelled to suppress their common sense, to suppress their critical thinking skills at a time in human history when we need them more than ever,” he asserted. “By the time you’re 18, you’ve made up your mind. … But if you’re 7 or 8, we got a shot.”
Nye addresses the subject of death in his book, admitting that he does have a fear of death. Nevertheless, he believes death is integral to the evolutionary process.
“[Death is] the key,” he told the publication. “The key is that you can pass on improvements by having kids. And there aren’t enough resources for any population to go completely unchecked, whether the population is humans or crickets. There isn’t enough for everybody, so you compete. And this is one of Darwin’s enormous insights.”
Soon after the release of “Undeniable,” apologist Ken Ham of the Christian ministry Answers in Genesis wrote a critique of the book, arguing that it is riddled with falsehoods and “undeniably inaccurate.”
“Bill Nye’s new book … combines Nye’s false claim that biblical young-earth creation is dangerously unscientific with his equally false claim that the foundation of all science is evolution,” Ham wrote.
“While Bill Nye claims the evidence for molecules-to-man evolution is undeniably true and dismisses all evidence to the contrary,” he continued, “an objective reader will see that the real battle is not between science and biblical young-earth creation, but between a humanistic worldview and a biblical worldview. In other words, the real issue is between biblical Christianity and all worldviews that reject God’s Word and exalt man’s fallible ideas above God’s Word.”
Ham contended that evolutionists’ claims are not only misleading, but ultimately detrimental to scientific pursuits.
“I want to point out that the public would understand science a lot better if evolutionary scientists would stop treating their humanistic, God-denying, worldview-based interpretations of our origins—which no scientist has ever observed or tested—as if they were as reliable as the conclusions drawn from the testable, repeatable processes of observational science,” he stated.
Ham also stressed that a belief in evolution ultimately undermines the Christian gospel.
“While Bill Nye did not specifically attack Jesus Christ by name,” he explained, “his attack on the foundational book of the Bible with its explanation of the origin of sin, suffering, and death is an attack on Jesus Christ because it destroys the very reason Jesus came to Earth to die for our sin so that we could have fellowship with Him again.”
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