EDINBURGH, Scotland – A secular organization is pressuring Scotland’s Parliament to ban the teaching of biblical creation in all public schools, claiming that evolution is the only ‘established science’ that explains the history of life.
The Scottish Secular Society (SSS) is an organization in Scotland that seeks “to support and further the cause of secularism.” The society was founded by secularist and homosexual activist Garry Otton, who says he has a deep hatred for religion.
“As a secularist, I hate religion and feel I have every right to,” Otton wrote on the SSS website.
The SSS is now seeking to ban the teaching of biblical creation in Scotland’s public schools. In a petition filed on Sept. 4th, the secular organization urged the Scottish Parliament “to bar the presentation in Scottish publicly funded schools of separate creation and of Young Earth doctrines as viable alternatives to the established science of evolution, common descent, and deep time.”
“Evolution, meaning the common descent of living things and their change over time, is, and has been for generations, the unifying concept of the life sciences,” the petition claims. “The deep time necessary for this evolution had been recognised by Scottish geologists over a century earlier.”
Other pro-evolution organizations, including the U.S.-based National Center for Science Education (NCSE), have expressed support for the anti-creation petition. Citing recent “creationist encroachments” on Scotland’s schools, NCSE’s executive director insisted that “the forthright and uncompromising presentation of evolution” is key to proper science education.
Last week, Scotland’s Public Petitions Committee reviewed the pro-evolution petition and heard arguments from two members of the SSS. The committee decided to endorse the petition and recommended it to three Scottish educational agencies for further review.
Though evolutionists in Scotland are delighted by the recent developments, many Scottish Christians say the petition is inappropriate and biased. David Robertson, minister at the evangelical St. Peter’s Free Church in Scotland, accused the SSS of attempting to “undermine and attack Christianity in pursuit of their sectarian and bigoted anti-religious beliefs.”
“The Scottish Secular Society is so terrified that children might be infected by the idea that God the creator actually had something to do with creation that they are asking politicians to decide what should be taught in science lessons,” Robertson stated, according to The Scotsman.
“Could we not have a more tolerant and Christian view of science?” Robertson asked. “And could we not encourage children to think about the issues for themselves, rather than just tell them what to think?”
Robertson says the SSS activists are promoting their religious views at the expense of the biblical creation view.
“They are just seeking to impose their religious view upon the whole of society and turn their philosophy into a state doctrine imposed by force,” he contended. “[They are] using science as a kind of Trojan horse to get their philosophical and religious views taught and to discourage questioning.”
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