Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump outlined on national television this week that he believes women should be able to obtain birth control over-the-counter, without a prescription.
Appearing on the Dr. Oz Show, which aired nationwide on Thursday, Trump was asked during the program whether it “should be mandated in this country that we reimburse women for their birth control.”
“I think what we have in birth control is, you know, when you have to get a prescription, that’s a pretty tough something to climb,” he replied. “And I would say it should not be a prescription. It should not be done by prescription.”
“You have women that just aren’t able to go get a prescription,” Trump continued. “So and more and more people are coming out and saying that, but I am not in favor of prescription for birth control.”
The Republican presidential nominee’s position runs counter to the 2016 Republican Party platform, which reads, “We believe the FDA’s approval of Mifeprex, a dangerous abortifacient formerly known as RU-486, threatens women’s health, as does the agency’s endorsement of over-the-counter sales of powerful contraceptives without a physician’s recommendation.”
As previously reported, in 2013, the FDA moved the morning-after pill over-the-counter, and lowered the legal age to 15 after Judge Edward R. Korman, appointed by Ronald Reagan, blasted the Obama administration for not making Plan B, and other generic variations of the pill, available to all ages.
However, some pro-life leaders believe that the morning-after pill is actually an abortifacient.
“As all pro-life folks, and many politicians for that matter, have said for years: ‘Life begins at conception,’ not implantation. While the morning-after pill may prevent implantation, for a life that is already conceived (a fertilized egg) the morning-after pill (like many forms of birth control) makes the womb, the place God designed to be a place of life and safety, a hostile environment so that the baby can’t implant and continue to live and grow. This is by definition elective abortion,” Daniel Parks, the executive director of the Charlotte, North Carolina chapter of Cities4Life, told Christian News Network last year.
He explained that at the moment of conception, a person is already encoded with the unique DNA that makes them a special and separate entity.
“At the moment that the sperm meets the egg (which can be anywhere from a few hours to a few days) a brand new and unique human life is conceived,” Parks outlined. “23 chromosomes from Mom and 23 chromosomes from Dad. All the genetic information that makes that person distinct is present.”
Parks, the director of an organization that regularly conducts ministry at local abortion facilities and often assists women even after giving birth, said that while some situations that lead to pregnancy are certainly traumatic and sinful, killing an unborn child does not right the wrong.
“Although situations of rape are always very grievous and I can only imagine what a young lady in that situation is going through, this can’t be a reason for us to compromise our stance that all human life should be protected and ‘life begins at conception,’” he stated. “And if we’re going to be consistent and always ‘err on the side of life,’ then to stand on our convictions we can not support and most certainly can not champion things like the morning-after pill.”
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