AUSTIN, Texas — Hundreds gathered at the Texas state capitol on Saturday to stand in support of a Texas bill that aims to abolish abortion in the state.
“The pro-life movement has sought to regulate murder and seek incremental victories and seek to comply with the Supreme Court when it comes to Roe v. Wade,” organizer Wes Thomas told the Statesman. “We’re coming at it a little differently … [and] seeking for the total abolition.”
As previously reported, Rep. Tony Tinderholt, R-Arlington, introduced the Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act last month that declares that unborn children are entitled to human rights from the moment of conception, and removes current exemptions under state criminal homicide law relating to abortion.
“A living human child, from the moment of fertilization upon the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum is entitled to the same rights, powers, and privileges as are secured or granted by the laws of this state to any other human child,” H.B. 948 reads in part.
According to a press release from Tinderholt’s office, “[t]he current protections allowing for life-saving procedures if a mother’s life is at risk due to pregnancy complications remain in place” under the proposed legislation.
“When you read and see how abortions are performed, and how they end the life of an innocent child, it amazes me that we allow that,” Tinderholt, a Roman Catholic, told the Star-Telegram.
“When we look back over history and we see … the cultures that took the lives of children, people are appalled by that,” he noted. “People are going to do that with America, too, and look back one day and say they can’t believe we allowed this.”
He said that the bill is in response to language in the Texas Republican Party platform, which was passed in May, calling for the complete abolition of abortion in the state.
“We call upon the Texas legislature to enact legislation stopping the murder of unborn children; and to ignore and refuse to enforce any and all federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, and court rulings, which would deprive an unborn child of the right to life,” the platform text reads.
Hundreds gathered outside the state capitol building on Saturday to voice support for ending abortion, holding signs such as “We the people demand abolition,” “50,000 babies murdered every year in Texas in accordance with pro-life laws” and “Stop regulating murder; H.B. 948.”
A number of speakers also addressed the crowds, and some chanted “Equal protection. Equal justice. We the people demand abolition.”
Attendee Danielle Borgia told reporters that she drove from Fort Myers, Florida to participate.
“3,000 kids are dying every day [in America],” she noted. “It’s the least we can do is to show up somewhere.”
Joe Goodson, president of Concern Christian Citizens, helped organize a group to attend from the Temple area.
“No more incremental steps are sufficient to do it (abortion) justice. We have to say abolish now just like they did with slavery,” he said. “In our Declaration [of Independence] it states that all men are created equal. We corrected slavery based on that truth. We corrected civil rights on that truth. Now we need to correct abortion, which is the murder of preborn babies, based on that truth.”
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