(International Christian Concern) – Nearly two weeks ago, a disagreement between Muslims and the local community in Kiamaiko, Nairobi, culminated in a mass attack by young Muslim men.
The mob injured several Christians and destroyed the property of four churches: Kingdom Gospel for All Nations Ministry, Evangelical Victory Church International, End Time Army Church, and Kale Heywot Church.
The dispute arose on Thursday night, May 16, when a Muslim group in the city was holding an outdoor debate. Some locals from the community complained about the noise and large crowd that had formed, and called the police. The police came and confiscated the group’s sound system and dispersed the function due to the public disturbance. The local Somali Muslim population then assembled into a mob.
The next day, the mob destroyed much of the four churches, and attacked local Christian-owned shops.
Pastor John of Kingdom Gospel for All Nations spoke to International Christian Concern (ICC) about the horrific attack: “The hatred reached a climax last week when a group of Muslim adherents stormed our church building armed with stones, machetes, and petrol.”
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