RALEIGH, N.C. — A 13-year-old girl’s speech on abortion drew criticism and angry shouts from the public on Tuesday night as she spoke before the Raleigh, North Carolina City Council.
“I strongly believe that abortion is murder. I also believe murder is wrong,” said Addison Woosley as she came to the podium. “So, I’m here to ask you to make abortion illegal in Raleigh.”
The teen spoke of the humanity of the unborn and asked why it is illegal to kill children only after they exit the womb.
“When mothers choose to slaughter their innocent babies, they already have fingerprints, noses, they can recognize their mom’s voice, they can hiccup and their heart is beating,” Woosley stated. “These babies are alive. They feel being killed. It hurts them, and there’s nothing they can do about it.”
“There’s no way around it. Abortion is murder. So why is that if an infant is destroyed before birth, it’s no problem, but after birth, it’s considered a brutal murder?”
Some in the audience began to laugh as Woosley continued, “These babies aren’t ‘its’ or ‘fetuses.’ They’re human beings and they deserve to get the same human rights as any other person.”
The teen went on unflinched.
“Another reason abortion is wrong is because God says it’s wrong. It’s only by His grace your mother didn’t abort you. Because if she did, you wouldn’t be sitting here today,” Woosley noted.
“Abortion reminds me of slavery. Owners said that the slaves were their property and they could do whatever they wanted with them — just how moms say about their babies,” she said. “My hope is that in a few years we’ll look back at abortion and think, ‘That was so cruel. I can’t believe we did that.’ Just how we all look back at slavery.”
She then exhorted those present to be on the right side of history.
“The question is, who will you be: the slave owner, the man nailing the whites only sign on the water fountain, Rosa Parks, or Abraham Lincoln? Who are you going to be? Make a choice,” Woosley urged. “My choice is made. I’m here today standing up for what’s right. I’m here today speaking for those who can’t speak for themselves.”
“Are you choosing to be the plantation worker flogging the little black child, or are you going to protest even if it costs your life like Martin Luther King Jr.?” she asked.
It was as Woosley uttered those words that the room erupted with upset citizens. Two especially vocal women began to yell.
“Inappropriate!” one woman shouted out repeatedly.
“You don’t speak for black people!” another called out.
Mayor Pro Tem Corey Branch tried to bring order to the room, tapping his gavel, but the women and others continued to yell.
“Let black people speak for black people when we are in the room. We can speak for ourselves. You are a black man. You need to stand up and recognize,” the one woman said to Branch, generating applause.
“Yes, I am a black man,” he replied. “And, yes, everyone who signs up has a right to speak. That is the rule of the land. I cannot come up here and say you can speak or you can’t speak.”
He then asked those in attendance not to call out their comments unless they are at the podium.
One woman was also taken out of the room by police after she gave a man the middle finger as he was filming the commotion. She was later allowed back in, according to reports.
View Woosley’s speech here and view a recording of the shouting and commotion here.
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