WUHAN, China — A video posted online shows Christians in China distributing protective masks and gospel tracts to passersby in Wuhan — the center of the coronavirus crisis — to show the love of God to the people of the city.
“[This mask is] for you. It represents the love of God,” one man is heard saying in the footage. “May God bless everyone in the community. … Take the mask and the gospel leaflet.”
Those distributing the face masks and tracts are dressed in yellow body suits and wearing masks themselves, being careful to prevent any cross-contamination. Passersby can be seen approaching the men and taking the free gifts, which are loaded in boxes in the back of a car.
In the background, a recorded sermon can be heard playing over a loudspeaker as the men go about offering kindness and truth to others.
“Because men have sinned against God, we all live under God’s angry judgment,” the preacher outlines. “There is no justice, no goodness, no life and no peace. God allows suffering to all who do not want to seek the truth, so that they may know that only Jesus Christ is the way, truth and eternal life.”
“Who wants to abandon his son to save others?” he asks. “But God forsakes His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us sinners from eternal destruction. God did not want us to suffer in the sulfur lake for eternity, so he sent His Son into the world. The Bible says that Jesus Christ came to save sinners. … He died for our sins so that all who come to Him can be forgiven.”
HeartCry Missionary Society also posted about the gospel work on the streets of Wuhan in a recent blog post.
“Money is useless [in Wuhan] because you can’t find a store that sells the masks. People are in a desperate situation. In response, our brothers and sisters preach the gospel and give out tracts and free masks,” a representative only identified as P.Z. explained. “They are sharing the word of hope and comfort from God. They have become more and more favored in the city, even in the authorities’ eyes.”
He said that even police officers have approached the Christians to take masks and tracts.
“A police officer came to one sister, listened to the gospel, and left with the tract and mask happily. After a while, another police officer arrived, heard, and left with the tract and a mask also,” P.Z. joyed. “Shortly, the first one came back saying another officer would like one too. Soon four more officers came!”
“Christians gained the respect that they never had because of their willingness to risk their health to serve,” HeartCry outlined.
Another post from one of the Christians distributing the masks and tracts similarly outlined that he was watched by a police officer, but the officer “never said anything, and after a while, he and another policeman got into a police car and left.”
As previously reported, one pastor in China recently penned a letter encouraging and exhorting the Body of Christ in the midst of disease and death.
“Christ has already given us His peace, but His peace is not to remove us from disaster and death, but rather to have peace in the midst of disaster and death, because Christ has already overcome these things (John 14:27, 16:33),” he wrote. “Otherwise we have not believed in the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15), and, with the world, would be terrified of pestilence, and lose hope in the face of death.”
He said that even if a believer dies in the midst of tribulation, it is still not a defeat.
“Spoken for today, Wuhan’s pestilence cannot separate us from the love of Christ; this love is in our Lord Jesus Christ. These words are so comforting for us, we have already become one body with Christ,” he wrote. “… Therefore, Christ is with us as we face the pestilence in this city; the pestilence cannot harm us. If we die in the pestilence, it is an opportunity to witness to Christ, and even more to enter into his glory.”
The pastor said that the current challenge with the coronavirus reminds him of Abraham facing Sodom and Jonah facing Ninevah, as they Abraham interceded and Jonah preached repentance to the saving of men’s souls.
“[M]ay we like Lot be grieved over all those in this city (1 Peter 2:7), and like Abraham who earnestly prayed for Sodom (Genesis 18:23-33),” he urged. “You see, Jonah with difficulty proclaimed the gospel to Nineveh, and Nineveh repented and was saved. We are this city’s Abraham and Jonah. We must pray for God’s mercy upon this city, and bring peace upon this city through our prayers and testimony.”
“I believe this is the command of God calling those of us living in Wuhan,” he continued. “We are to seek peace for this city, seek peace for those who are afflicted with this illness, seek peace for the medical personnel struggling on the front lines, seek peace for every government official at every level, seek peace for all the people of Wuhan!”
The current death toll from the coronavirus stands at over 1,800 as of press time, with more than 11,000 currently being listed as serious cases. An estimated 72,000 people have been affected by the virus, which is believed to have originated from a wet market in Wuhan.
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