Three false ministers, including one who identifies as homosexual and another as polyamorous, recently told the Huffington Post that they believe that sex before marriage is “not sinful,” and that it is rather “unreasonable,” “outdated and silly” to expect people to stay chaste until marriage. One said that he doesn’t “judge” those who choose to […]
GENEVA — A group of 20 female theologians from around the world have released a book of commentaries about Scriptures that pertain to women in an effort to tackle what they call “the lingering patriarchal readings that have justified numerous restrictions and bans on women.” “Une Bible des Femmes,” or “The Women’s Bible”, was published […]
A Hillsong branch in the United Kingdom has removed from YouTube a promotional video for its annual Christmas musical that depicted the wise men arriving at a Bethlehem inn to see the baby Jesus, and upon entering, finding an environment with much drinking and dancing just feet from the Christ child. The “three kings” video […]
A blasphemous video released on Tuesday by the founder of “Queer Theology” claims that Jesus is in a “pansexual, polyamorous” relationship with the Church, and that Christians can therefore have multiple romantic relationships as well. “If you’re one of those people who believes in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, well, Jesus is having personal […]
TORONTO — An apostate minister with the United Church of Canada who identifies as an atheist will not be defrocked after an agreement was reached just before she was to be put on trial over her rejection of biblical orthodoxy. While the details of the settlement have not been made public, the United Church of […]
As has been the custom for the past 50 years, Roman Catholics worldwide who pray at a cemetery between Nov. 1-8—and follow other requirements—are being offered a plenary indulgence to free their loved one from Purgatory and send their soul to Heaven. The practice has been said to be unbiblical for a number of reasons. […]
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio chapter of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice will be holding an interfaith gathering next month outside of a Planned Parenthood facility to “bless” its work and the mothers who come for an abortion. “Anti-abortion advocates do not have the monopoly on faith or God,” the event page claims. “Many […]
WASHINGTON, D.C. — A woman who says that she is an “ordained minister of spiritual consciousness,” a seer, and a “Christian witch” recently recorded a rant video explaining why she believes it is wrong for people to tell her she can’t both be a witch and identify as a Christian. A number of viewers have […]
Concerns are being raised after a number of female followers of the Texas-based Joshua Holmes, who identifies as a prophet, are calling Holmes “Jesus in the flesh,” a “divine king,” and “a true king that Jesus has set on this earth.” Some of these women have changed their Facebook profiles to include Holmes’ name, posting […]
TORONTO (CBC News) — A Scarborough church has terminated its more than three-year-old contract with a Toronto sign company over the sign company’s refusal to post “gay-positive” and other messages on the church’s behalf. St. Paul’s United Church is the latest to be embroiled in a dispute with Archer Mobile Signs Limited. Windermere United Church […]