AUSTIN, Texas — The eleventh Planned Parenthood expose’ video released by the Center for Medical Progress captures a Texas abortionist laughing about how obtaining an intact baby head would be “something to strive for,” and explaining how she performs breech or partial birth abortions to harvest the child’s organs.
“My aim is usually to get the specimens out pretty intact,” Amna Dermish tells the undercover investigator posing as a representative from a fetal organ procurement company, who explains that he would expect any organs to be intact.
“Can you convert to breech?” he asks.
“I can if I need to,” Dermish replies. “I don’t usually do it in the 16 t0 18 weeks [babies] because I don’t really need to, but with the further gestation, I will sometimes do that if it’s a celaphalic presentation (head first) just because it’s easier to get.”
The investigator then states that he was told by Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s medical director, that it is easier to harvest intact organs, including the baby’s brain, by turning the child breech.
“I haven’t been able to do that yet—the intact calvarium,” Dermish replies.
“It’s like, well, maybe next time, right?” the investigator states.
“Well, this will give me something to strive for,” Dermish responds, laughing.
The abortionist was also asked how intact the bodies were from the previous week, during which time her co-worker comments about the “cuteness” of the organs of the dead children.
“[The 20-week-old baby] was trunk intact. They’re usually—what I’ll do— if it’s a breech presentation, I’ll remove the extremities first—the lower extremities—and then go for the spine and sort of break it down that way,” Dermish explains.
“I always try and keep the trunk intact just by function of always trying to aim for the spine and bring it down,” she says.
Dermish also explains that one of their workers is interested in organ donation and likes to look for the various body parts following the abortion procedure.
“[S]he’ll pull out kidneys and heart, and heart we usually see at nine weeks and she always looks for it,” she says.
“Just like for fun,” the investigator says.
“Well, it’s cute. It’s cute,” the co-worker replies.
“It’s amazing,” Dermish chimes in. “I have so much respect for development. It’s just incredible. So she’s always at 10, 11, 12 weeks, she’s like trying to find the kidneys and any of the organs of that gestation.”
The Center for Medical Progress states that it believes the footage is proof that the organization is performing illegal partial birth abortions, which were outlawed in 2003 under then-President George W. Bush.
“Less than 4 miles away from the Texas state capitol, Planned Parenthood routinely practices barbaric partial-birth abortions on living, late-term fetuses,” said CMP Project Lead David Daleiden in a statement. “Planned Parenthood’s crimes are not just the result of local bad actors, but are tolerated and even encouraged at the highest levels of the national organization. State-level criminal investigations must press charges, and Congress’ new select committee must pursue a deep and comprehensive accounting of Planned Parenthood’s atrocities against humanity.”
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