Tony Nolan, the mentor to celebrity preacher Clayton Jennings, who requested prayer for Jennings in the self-described evangelist’s “Confessions” video admitting to sexual indescretions while in ministry, has announced that Jennings has ended the “repentance and renewal process” with him and has decided to use secular damage control services instead. Jennings has also removed the video featuring Nolan from his social media pages.
“To update previous communication, with [a] heavy heart, I inform you Clayton Jennings has chosen to end the repentance/renewal process with me,” Nolan, an evangelist and teaching pastor at Freedom Church in Acworth, Georgia, posted publicly to Twitter and Instagram last week.
He explained that Jennings decided that it wasn’t necessary to undergo a repentance and restoration process because he already had confessed to God, and concluded that the only assistance he needed was in regard to the fallout in the media.

“Weeks into the repentance journey, Clayton informed me he had secured the services of a secular team to advise him. He asked me if he could follow their advice, yet still be in process with me. I said no, he’d have to choose one or the other, because it’s not in keeping with the original process,” Nolan wrote. “He then asked for 24 hrs to decide.”
“Upon calling back, he informed me that he had already privately confessed to God about these sexual sins that occurred during his public preaching ministry and he really did not need the process after all, and just needs the secular team to navigate from the media fallout,” he explained.
Christian News Network had reached out to Jennings’ elders at Harbour Shores Church in Cicero, Indiana for clarification on matters—including the counseling process—prior to the announcement, but received an inadvertent message from Jennings’ father, Don Jennings, characterizing those who would ask questions on the issue as being “godless” and “set on destruction.”
Clayton Jennings’ elders had confirmed last month that they revoked his ministerial credentials.
As previously reported, Jennings, who had been in the midst of promoting Tim Tebow’s new book “Shaken,” released a spoken word confession on Nov. 13, which had obtained nearly 200,000 views before he took it down this month.
“I never claimed to be perfect and I never said I was sinless. Presenting you with a fake facade of greatness is never why I got in this,” he said in the video. “I want you to know this: I’ve sinned—a lot.”
“I could tell you stories of my past sin, but I wouldn’t know when to stop. I had sex before marriage and I broke a lot of hearts. And that’s not even the worst part. Sometimes it was during seasons of ministry,” Jennings admitted. “I led some girls on, and there were text messages of sex and sin.”
His confession came in the middle of several women—six in all—coming forward to state that Jennings had manipulated them into sexual behavior. Two of the women, who released their stories here and here, claimed that Jennings gave them alcohol before becoming sexually agressive, and one said that Jennings told her to take the morning-after pill because “his entire ministry would be ruined if I were to get pregnant.”
They both asserted that Jennings asked for naked photos, and lied to them—claiming he was dying or his father was ill—as a means to abruptly break contact after having sexual relations and being assured spiritually that their physical contact was okay.
Jennings has said that while some of the women’s details are false, he does not wish to elaborate on the matter.
Christian News Network reached out to to Jennings last month after reviewing the evidence and speaking with his father, who advised that his son had come to him to confess and that he believed he was genuinely repentant. However, he said that he had been told by his son that he had only committed sin with one woman—that he had met with the woman, her mother and Jennings—and wasn’t aware of anyone else.
However, weeks later, other women came forward to state that Jennings had also wooed them into sexual sin, and Jennings’ soon-coming video confession acknowledged that he “broke a lot of hearts” and led “some girls on”—plural.
Prior to releasing the video, Jennings confirmed that he had sinned, but would not affirm that the matter involved multiple women. He said that he “would rather not talk about the allegations at this time” as he was focused on obtaining “counseling for past sins.”
Jennings had also advised that he had decided not to release a statement as originally planned, but several days later, he published his poetic video confession to social media. The video featured an introduction from Tony Nolan, announcing that he was serving as a mentor to Jennings and asking viewers to pray for the evangelist.
Now, the confessional video statement featuring Nolan has been deleted from Jennings’ social media pages, and Nolan has advised that Jennings ended the restoration process with him in deciding that it was unnecessary.
“Jesus didn’t die for us to sin and then thank Him for grace. We thank Him for grace by our defiance of sin!” Nolan posted to Twitter days after the announcement, although not indicating whether the specific comment was in reference to Jennings or not.
He also posted a photo to Instagram on Saturday that reads, “Those who play the grace card end up falling on their face hard,” and shared from Romans 6:1-2, “Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of His wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?”
Nolan’s office declined additional comment on the matter, but pointed to his Twitter and Instagram pages for insight on “his stance concerning the Jennings situation.”
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