AUSTIN, Texas — A chain of abortion facilities in Texas has offered free abortions to those affected by Hurricane Harvey, it says, to “help” pregnant mothers who wanted to terminate their pregnancy but could not do so because of the storm.
Whole Woman’s Health, which has locations in Austin, Fort Worth, San Antonio and McAllen, posted its offer to its website on Friday.
“To ensure our patients get the compassionate, quality abortion care they deserve, we’re providing no-cost abortions for those affected by Hurricane Harvey,” the organization wrote.
“There are already so many barriers to access this necessary procedure, and natural disasters stand in the way of women getting to their appointment and/or being able to afford care,” it stated. “During Hurricane Harvey, many of the clinics in Houston had to close temporarily, leaving women with very few options. Continued political attacks on abortion access make an unwanted pregnancy particularly stressful in Texas—add that to the stress of dealing with hurricane aftermath.”
A handful of followers wrote supportive messages under the post, stating that that the offer is “very generous” and “a beautiful thing.”
“That’s very generous. I hadn’t even stopped to consider the women that might find themselves in this situation. On top of losing your home and belongings, now there’s an unwanted pregnancy. Or vice versa,” one commenter wrote.
“Thank you for doing this, and for providing the opportunity for others to take part. What a beautiful thing!” another stated.
As previously reported, Whole Woman’s Health of Austin was fined $17,430 in 2011 for mislabeling boxes containing the remains of aborted babies, which were then collected by the medical waste company Stericycle and autoclaved before being dumped in a municipal solid waste landfill with household and commercial trash.
Stericycle was fined $42,000 for its part in the matter as it is illegal in Texas to dump human remains in landfills. Local company representatives said that the aborted babies should have rather been shipped to Stericycle’s incineration plant in Apopka, Florida, where they would be burned with other pathological waste.
“It was explained that medical waste is placed in red biohazard bags, then placed into boxes provided by Stericycle. Each fetus resulting from an abortion is placed into a hard plastic container and then into a red biohazard bag. The bag is then placed into a freezer, where it is stored,” an investigative report from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) outlined.
“When Stericycle arrives to transport the medical waste, the individual fetuses are removed from the freezer and placed into another large red biohazard bag. The red biohazard bag containing the fetuses is placed into the medical waste box along with other medical waste generated at the facility that requires treatment,” it explained.
Last year, Whole Woman’s Health was among those that filed a lawsuit against the Texas Department of State Health Services after it finalized a rule at the request of Gov. Greg Abbott that required abortionists to utilize burial or cremation services provided by funeral homes rather than hiring medical waste companies to dispose of the children with other medical trash.
“I find the interference by the government into women’s personal health decisions to be morally offensive,” Amy Hagstrom Miller, president of Whole Woman’s Health, argued.
However, as previously reported, in an introductory lecture to his course on obstetrics in 1854, Philadelphia Dr. Hugh Lennox Hodge explained that if a woman were to come to a medical doctor in pursuit of an abortion, “he must, as it were, grasp the conscience of his weak and erring patient and let her know in language not to be misunderstood that she is responsible to her Creator for the life of the being within her.”
“So low, gentleman, is the moral sense of community on this subject. So ignorant are even the greater number of individuals, that even mothers in many instances shrink not at the commission of this crime, but will voluntarily destroy their own progeny, in violation of every natural sentiment, and in opposition to the laws of God and man,” he said.
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