The United Sates Supreme Court may now be deciding whether Oklahoma residents will have a measure on the ballot this fall regarding protecting the unborn as a person. The Oklahoma Supreme Court recently rejected the matter, enfuriating many pro-lifers throughout the state and across America.
In a press release issued by Personhood USA, the organization explained that the Oklahoma Supreme Court ironically called the ballot initiative “unconstitutional,” even though the Constitution declares that all men are endowed by their Creator with the inalienable right to life. It repeatedly cited the Supreme Court ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey as its justification for restricting the people of Oklahoma from voting on the personhood of unborn children.
Personhood USA does not see the ruling as a defeat, however. It is hopeful that the United States Supreme Court will agree to hear the case and that it will potentially overturn its ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
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