Office Depot has announced that it is teaming up with Lady Gaga in an effort to spread the message of her Born This Way Foundation to youth.
“Office Depot is proud to announce a partnership with Born This Way Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Lady Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, that is dedicated to empowering youth and inspiring bravery,” the company wrote in a recent press release.
“The partnership, kicking off during the back-to-school season, will provide students, parents, and teachers with insights and limited-edition products that support Born This Way Foundation’s mission of helping to encourage today’s youth to grow up feeling confident about their individuality.”
The Born This Way Foundation is named after Gaga’s song of the same title, which not only speaks of “individuality,” but also homosexuality — all in the name of God.
“A different lover is not a sin, believe capital H-I-M,” she sings in the song. “No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I’m on the right track baby, I was born to survive. … I’m beautiful in my way, ’cause God makes no mistakes.”
Office Depot says that it will help promote the Born This Way Foundation through creating special “empowerment” gift cards, which “afterwards [youth] can proudly clip their cards to their backpack or belt loop showing their support of the movement.”
The business also plans on featuring pens, post-it notes, and bracelets that have specific messages on them, such as “be accepting,” “be yourself” and “be involved.”
The products will be sold online and in stores with 25% of its sales going to Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. Office Depot states that it has guaranteed Lady Gaga at least $1 million in proceeds.
“Born This Way Foundation is an inspirational organization that has the power to make a difference in the lives of today’s youth and we are honored to join this movement and help raise awareness for such an important cause,” Bob Moore, Chief Marketing Officer for Office Depot commented. “We feel the six empowerment phrases will help start a much needed conversation among our students of `What will you be this school year?'”
However, not everyone is pleased with the partnership.
“The one million dollar pledge from Office Depot to the Lady Gaga Born this Way Foundation will influence many teens to embrace homosexuality for their lifetime who may have otherwise worked through their crisis with straight results,” states the Florida Family Association.
“Thousands of kids who might have otherwise worked through their pubescent sexual identity issues will be inspired to accept the wrong choice based upon this unscientific, emotionally charged propaganda. What’s brave or kind about telling thousands of sexually frustrated teens that they were born this way when a high percentage of them would have ended up taking the straight heterosexual path for life?”
The organization is urging citizens nationwide to contact the headquarters of Office Depot in Boca Raton, Florida to express their disgust at its promotion of the homosexual lifestyle to young, impressionable teens.
Christians in other countries have also rose up in recent months to denounce the message inherent in “Lady” Gaga’s music, which they believe is not only unBiblical, but blasphemous.
As previously reported, Christians in the Philippines took to the streets by the hundreds in May of this year to protest Gaga’s performance in the country, most notably due to her song “Judas,” in which she sings, “I’m in love with Judas. … I’ll bring Him down … A king with no crown. … Jesus is my virtue; Judas is the demon I cling to.”
“It is not only immoral, it is a blasphemy. The Lord Jesus Christ is being maligned here and mocked,” said former Manilla congressman Benny Albante, who is now pastor of Metropolitan Bible Baptist Church.
Her Born This Way album was also banned in Lebanon for a time by the General Secretary Department, stating that it was “offensive to Christianity.”
Gaga has been an outspoken homosexual activist for several years. In 2009, she addressed the crowd at the National Equality March on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and in 2010, she created three YouTube videos urging citizens to contact their senators in support of overturning “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
In 2011, she participated in a homosexual pride march in Rome, Italy, and also met with Barack Obama to talk about bullying after learning about the death of Jamey Rodemeyer, an openly bisexual 14-year-old student who committed suicide in September.
The 25-year-old first launched her Born This Way Foundation at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Lady Gaga’s mother, Cynthia Germanotta, is the president and co-founder of the foundation.
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