Torrence, California — Two days after Chick-fil-A experienced record-breaking sales figures, one restaurant was vandalized this morning on what is being called National Same-Sex Kiss Day.
Early today, a Chick-fil-A location in Torrence, California was painted with large letters reading “Tastes Like Hate,” with a depiction of a cow holding a paint brush. Police came to the scene to investigate the vandalism, but as of press time, no suspects were known.
The restaurant later painted over the message as if nothing ever happened.
“It’s disappointing, but we’re going to take the high road and find the positive in this,” owner Cole Donahoo told local television station KTLA. “We serve all guests equally and provide them a remarkable experience any day, all day, every day.”
Homosexuals across the nation are lashing out at the popular fast food restaurant today in opposition to its views on homosexual “marriage.” Thousands have stated that they are participating in a “kiss-in” at their local Chick-fil-A as a form of protest.
The event was organized by homosexual advocate Carly McGehee, who says that she wants to show the world that two men and two women engaging in affectionate acts “is just as valid, just as good as heterosexual love.”
“I like to liken it to a married couple sharing a light kiss over a romantic meal,” she said. “It’s the same thing.”
According to McGehee’s webpage for the event, over 14,000 homosexuals have stated that they will be participating. While some demonstrations have already taken place throughout the day, the official “kiss-in” is scheduled simultaneously across the nation at 8 p.m. Eastern.
Although official numbers for Wednesday’s Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day have not yet been released, they far outweighed those expected to attend today’s protest against the company. Many Christians came to show support for Biblical marriage, and others patronized their local restaurant as a statement that Chick-fil-A has right to express their opinions even if others disagree.
As previously reported, an executive for a medical company was fired yesterday for bullying a Chick-fil-A employee in Tuscon, Arizona at the drive-thru window. Following a tactic that others had done who opposed the fast food chain, Adam Smith asked for free water so that he could “nickel-and-dime it” off of the company. He then gave the employee at the window a piece of his mind.
“Chick-fil-A is a hateful corporation,” he stated. “The corporation gives money to hate groups, just because people want to kiss another guy.”
“I’m glad that I can take a little money from Chick-fil-A and maybe [give] less money to hate groups,” he added, reaching for his free water.
“I’m staying neutral on this subject. My personal beliefs don’t belong in the workplace,” the employee replied, remaining calm, but expressing disagreement. “It’s my pleasure to serve you always.”
“I don’t know how you live with yourself and work here,” Smith stated. “I don’t understand it. This is a horrible corporation with horrible values. You deserve better.”
“I hope you have a really nice day,” the woman responded.
“I will. I just did something really good. I feel purposeful,” he answered.
Smith then uploaded the footage to YouTube, but later took it down.
However, when his employers at Vante found out about the incident, they fired Smith and released a statement against his actions.
A number of Christians are believed to be patronizing their local restaurant today, with some going specifically to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who may show up for the “kiss-in” event.
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