CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Pro-lifers were recently told by a Charlotte abortionist that he saves taxpayers money by ridding the world of “ugly black babies.”
Members of the group Operation Save America went to the home of Ashutosh “Ron” Virmani, abortionist at A Preferred Women’s Health Center, on July 26th to speak to him about their concerns regarding his practice. The encounter was captured on camera as two men and one woman spoke with Virmani.
“Don’t put pregnancy and adoption on the taxpayers,” Virmani stated. “I don’t wish to pay for the baby with my money.”
The woman then asked, “You would rather profit off of those children?”
Virmani replied, “No, no, no, I am not profiting. I, as a taxpayer, do not wish to pay for those babies to be born and brought up and kill those people in Colorado.” The abortionist was referring to the recent massacre in Aurora, Colorado, allegedly committed by James Holmes.
“Go ahead and pay for them,” he exclaimed angrily. “Let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies!”
“If you tell us, we’ll adopt them. … Give us a chance to adopt them,” one of the men replied as Virmani closed the door.
The video has now gone viral, generating over 136 thousand views and counting. Those who have watched the footage state that they are horrified.
Dr. Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, was especially angered by the remarks, and opined that others should be also.
“It’s all too obvious that he had a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problem killing them,” she stated in a press release.
“They think that they’re just … worthless, they’re unplanned, unwanted, and maybe even in this abortionist’s case, uglier than other children,” she further commented to reporters. “I just think that it’s appalling. It’s despicable, and it turns my stomach. It makes me sick.”
“So many abortionists feel that way. And that’s why they are in the business that they are – the horrible, brutal, gruesome business of killing children,” Gardner said. “The black community should be outraged because Ashutosh Virmani is a brazen racist and his statement supports what we already know of the billion dollar abortion industry–black babies are targeted because they are seen as poor, worthless and maybe even ‘ugly.'”
She stated that she also saw a contradiction in Virmani’s claims that aborting babies saves money.
“[T]he HHS mandate is saying we should be forced to pay to kill these children,” Gardner said, referring to Obamacare, in which taxpayer money is pooled for an abortion services fund. Employers and other religious institutions are also required to cover contraception, sterilization and birth control.
Some note that Virmani’s comments are strikingly similar to that of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
“We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all,” Sanger once said, who was reportedly a staunch advocate of eugenics.
In 1939, she wrote in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
The Virmani footage was recorded by Operation Save America as part of its Charlotte outreach in preparation for the Democratic National Convention. The effort included exposing the medical waste giant Stericycle, which operates an incineration plant in Graham, North Carolina, where aborted babies from a reported 23 states are burned into ash.
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