Officials in the state of Maryland have confirmed that an interstate late-term child-killing operation has ended.
The termination of the collaborative effort seems to be the result of action taken by the Maryland Board of Physicians against abortionist Harold Alexander, who operates Integrated OB/GYN at 7610 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 305, in Forestville. As previously reported, pro-life organizations had filed complaints with the state earlier this year, alleging that Alexander had been involved in a late-term abortion scheme at a secret location, along with another abortionist in Florida.
James Pendergraft of Orlando, who has had his license suspended four times and is currently on probation, had been advertising his late-term abortion business through a website called Because Pendergraft states that he cannot perform late-term abortions in the state of Florida due to the legal requirement that it be performed in a hospital, and “there are no hospitals in Florida that allow a termination procedure to be performed as long as a fetus still has a heartbeat,” he arranged with Alexander to send patients to his Maryland office for the abortion.
After the website was discovered, various pro-life individuals called the number listed to obtain further information, and found that it rang into the abortionist’s personal cell phone. The conversations were then recorded as Pendergraft explained that he needed the callers, who posed as persons seeking an abortion, to wire money to Florida, after which he would provide them with the address of the heretofore undisclosed location.
During the discussions, which have been included in part in a video uploaded to YouTube, Pendergraft explained the abortion procedure in detail.

“We will inject some medication into the fetal tissue to stop the heartrate — the heartbeat,” he explained. “In the following day, we would give some medication that would start the process to terminate the pregnancy (dismember the baby).”
Pendergraft also stated that abortions can be performed up until birth, and that they can be done for virtually any reason. Those reasons, he alluded, can be manufactured.
The pro-life organization Operation Rescue then filed complaints with the Maryland Board of Physicians, requesting an investigation into both abortionists. Others also contacted the state to urge officials to take action in the matter.
“We didn’t say anything about our discoveries publicly in order to give the Maryland investigators an opportunity to catch these men red-handed,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We did not want to tip Pendergraft off and have him cover his tracks.”
Alexander was then charged with violating the Maryland Medical Practice Act, which includes the destruction of records, botched abortions, sexually inappropriate communications with clients and illegally prescribing Viagra and other drugs to non-patients, including himself. Many of those records included evidence that he had been working with Pendergraft to operate the secret late-term abortion scheme.
In late August, he was placed on three months suspension, followed by a two-year probationary period.
Today, the Maryland Board of Physicians confirmed that Alexander’s joint enterprise with Pendergraft is no longer operational, and that Pendergraft is not known to be currently working with any other abortionist in the state.
“I believe that this is a harbinger of what is in store for James Pendergraft,” said Rusty Thomas of Elijah Ministries after hearing the news. “He has built up his bloody empire and now it is beginning to crumble right before his very eyes. This is the beginning.”
Thomas noted that Pendergraft has continued to defy both man’s law and God’s law, and has a long-standing pattern of defiance.
“Proverbs 29:1 says, ‘He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy,'” he stated. “James Pendergraft has not only been rebuked by God’s people, he’s been rebuked by the government, and he still refuses to comply. … I believe that what he has sown, he is now beginning to reap, and this is part of his demise.”
Thomas advised, however, that there is much work left to do as Maryland appears to now be emerging as the the late-term abortion capital of the world.
“These late-term killers seeking to bypass the laws of their state are utilizing a loophole in Maryland to continue their bloody trade,” he said.
Pendergraft owns five abortion facilities throughout Florida, and has been fined on several occasions for violating state regulations. In June of this year, an abortionist at Orlando Women’s Center, which Pendergraft owns, left the facility to start a new career in family practice — never to perform abortions again.
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