A number of Hollywood celebrities have been making headlines recently about their professed Christian faith, which some say is antithetical to the lives that they lead before the public.
In the February issue of Esquire Magazine, actress Megan Fox, known for her role in the film Tranformers and her seductive and sexualized photo shoots, talked about her upbringing in the Pentecostal church and her gift of speaking in tongues. She states that she still attends church today, and has to restrain herself at times during the services.
“The energy is so intense in the room that you feel like anything can happen. … I have seen magical, crazy things happen. I’ve seen people be healed,” Fox said. “Even now, in the church I go to, during praise and worship I could feel that I was maybe getting ready to speak in tongues, and I’d have to shut it off because I don’t know what that church would do if I started screaming out in tongues in the back.”
She described to the publication what speaking in tongues is like.
“It feels like a lot of energy coming through the top of your head–I’m going to sound like such a lunatic–and then your whole body is filled with this electric current,” Fox outlined. “And you just start speaking, but you’re not thinking because you have no idea what you’re saying. … The idea is that it’s a language that only God understands.”
Selena Gomez, actress, singer and clothing designer, most known for her role in the Disney sitcom Wizards of Waverly Place, was also recently spotted attending a star-studded Bible study organized by E! news anchor Jason Kennedy. Actress and singer Vanessa Hudgens and 90210’s Matt Lanter reportedly are a part of the monthly meeting as well, which gets together in a conference room at a Beverly Hills hotel for the study. Pop star Justin Beiber is stated to have participated in the Bible study at times in the past.
“Justin’s come in before and his mom, Pattie, is a regular,” US Magazine reports.
Britney Spears, whose songs Oops! I Did It Again and Touch of My Hand are known by many young girls in the nation, was also the center of discussion last week as she was seen attending church services wearing a short, tight pencil skirt. The pop star, who generated controversy in 2003 when she kissed Madonna on stage during the MTV awards, reportedly attends church near Westlake Village, California.
“I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” she stated during an awards show in the early part of her career.
The film Hell’s Bells: The Power and Spirit of Popular Music outlines a number of sexually-suggestive Hollywood stars that claim to be Christians.
“I’m a Christian, and I believe in God. All of this [success] is there for a purpose. He wants me to do what I’m doing for good,” it notes singer Christina Aguilera as saying in Rolling Stones Magazine in 2000. The documentary shows Aguilera praying before a show just prior to the performance of her song Dirty.
“Body’s hot, front to back; now move your (expletive); I like that,” she sings out. “Tight hip huggers — low for sure; shake a little somethin’ on the floor; I need that to get me off; sweat until my clothes come off.”
“I aspire to live according to the teachings of Christ [or at least] some of them. … Unfortunately, I have to be a bit selective,” stated popular DJ Moby, who is known for his sexually-charged songs. The film reports that Moby has even performed naked on stage in the past.
Jessica Simpson, Whitney Houston, Prince, Justin Timberlake, Limp Bizkit and many others are all said to have thanked God during award shows, made professions of faith or have recorded songs dealing with spirituality.
In regard to Fox, her comments to Esquire have generated much discussion since their release, both for and against the seductive star.
“I have never seen so much judgment in my life. When did we start deciding it was ok to call someone a child of the Devil based on what we see about them?” writes a commenter named Jarrod. “Do I agree with her media lifestyle at all? Absolutely not. But does that say anything about her salvation? Absolutely not. … She is a professing, spirit-filled, Christian. She is a sex symbol to society. Well, based on what the media reveals, we know two things about her, and we make a judgment about her salvation.”
“Katy Perry, Megan Fox, Jessica Simpson, Beyonce, and the list goes on,” writes a man named John. “Something is wrong with our Gospel message in America.”
“Can you imagine what would happen if we all prayed for Hollywood to have a real fear of the Lord?” asks another commenter named Becky. “Pray for those who profess to know Jesus as Lord to love Him like it. Pray for those who have utter contempt for Him to see His light and have faith to believe.”
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