Orlando, Florida — A young Florida mother that had considered aborting her 26-week-old son recently returned to the abortion facility with her baby to thank the sidewalk counselor for encouraging her to choose life.
John Barros, a Christian who has been sharing the Gospel with abortion-minded mothers for over two years outside of Orlando Women’s Center in Florida, told Christian News Network that he is in complete amazement at how God has worked in the lives of a couple named Chet and Amanda.
He explained that the situation began approximately five to six months ago when Amanda first visited the abortion facility.
“She came down to Orlando Women’s Center and she was very angry,” Barros said. “She was cursing me up one side and down the other.”
Nonetheless, he stated that he continued to speak with Amanda and encourage her to do what is right.
“She stayed outside pretty much all day while she was waiting to go in, so we had quite the conversation,” Barros said. “I gave her all I could of God’s word.”
He shared that while Amanda did go inside of the abortion facility, what happened next was without doubt the hand of God.
“She said that all of a sudden, it was dark, but then it became a real darkness, and she started thinking, ‘I’ve got to get out of here,'” Barros recalled. “And a light went on in her heart and she came out and she left.”
“They had told her that she was 26 weeks [pregnant] and they would either fudge it to 24 (the legal abortion limit), or they would have her go to Maryland and have her abortion up there where it’s legal to go past 24 weeks in a clinic,” he said.
During this time, Amanda’s boyfriend, Chet, was incarcerated and did not know that she was considering an abortion. They both had been struggling with a drug addiction and had no money, and Amanda thought that she would spare the child any difficulties by obtaining an abortion. However, in an online video, she explained that she realized that she could trust God with the situation.
“That morning, … I couldn’t even look at myself to get ready because I knew what I was going to do was wrong,” she said. “God’s not going to give you anything that you can’t handle.”
Weeks later, after giving birth, Amanda surprised Barros by returning to the abortion facility with her newborn baby, who she had named Chase.
“She came walking down the street with her baby, and she said, ‘Do you know how to get to the bus stop?’ and I said, ‘Yeah, it’s down at the end of the street.’ And then she said, ‘Don’t you remember me, John?'” he recalled. “And I said, ‘Oh my goodness! Yes, I do!'”
“She had just come to show me the baby and thank me.”
Days later, Amanda brought Chet, who had since been released from jail, to see Barros. He likewise expressed his gratitude.
But, the story did not end there.
“I shared the Gospel with them,” Barros said. “They have made professions of the faith. … And they’re being discipled by a friend of mine, and they’re going to church, and God has just really turned their life around. … They text me at night and say, ‘Can you give me a couple of verses to look up?'”
Now, Chet and Amanda come to the abortion facility every day with baby Chase to share their story with other abortion-minded women.
“There was one couple that had come. The word [of God] was tearing them apart. The lady ended up changing her mind, and then I called Amanda over, and she was like icing on the cake,” Barros recalled. “[Amanda] said, ‘I sat where you are. I chose life, and I hope you do too because this little baby is nothing you could ever imagine, and God has turned my life around.'”
Barros, who was overcome with happiness and amazement a number of times during the interview, stated that he is thankful for Chet and Amanda.
“They’re just so special; I don’t know how to tell you,” he said. “It’s so beautiful.”
He encouraged others to get out on the sidewalk of their local abortion facility and allow God to use them.
“[G]et out there and meet people, and bring them the truth and just love them,” he said. “That’s what Jesus requires of us — to love our neighbor.”
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