SAN FRANCISCO — A video posted online by a well-known abortion abolitionist group shows a woman boasting that she is a millionaire today because of abortion.
The incident took place during the recent Walk for Life in San Francisco as Russell Hunter of Abolish Human Abortion was engaged in a conversation with various crowd members.
“I’m a millionaire because I had an abortion when I was eighteen,” the women injects as she approaches Hunter.
“You had an abortion so you can become a millionaire?” he asks. “Would you like to go on record for that? Because if the only way to become a millionaire is to have an abortion, that’s why we call it human sacrifice. You sacrifice a human so that you can be a millionaire.”
“I didn’t know that when I was eighteen years old,” she answers.
The woman then begins to tell Hunter that she had been involved in a bad relationship as a young adult.
“So, should I have ended up in an abusive relationship?” she asks.
“No, you should have been loved,” Hunter responds. “You should have been helped.”
“I wasn’t,” the woman contends.
“And that was wrong, too,” Hunter states. “And if they make [abuse] legal, we should be opposed to it as well.”
The woman then claims that she succeeded in college because she did not have the baby.
“I got a college degree from Berkley and a master’s degree,” she notes.
“It’s a woman’s right to have [an abortion]!” the woman declares before she marches off through the crowd.
While many have commented that the woman’s statements were shocking, others have noted in the past that abortion proponents have used similar logic. In 2004, Doug Phillips of Vision Forum Ministries wrote an article about Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and her assertions that abortion is necessary so that women can have active social and professional lives.
“For two decades of economic and social developments, people have organized intimate relationships and made choices that define their views of themselves and their places in society, in reliance on the availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail,” O’Connor wrote on behalf of the nation’s highest court in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
“The ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives,” she said.
“[W]ith this new Deborah, [the nation] got the most honest, but horrific argument for killing babies advanced to date by the Supreme Court,” Phillips wrote. “It is significant that the first woman to become a United States Supreme Court Justice was also the first justice to officially argue that the mass execution and vivisection of children is justified and necessary so that women can work outside the home.”
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