Waco, Texas — A pro-life memorial site that was attacked and desecrated by vandals in January is set to be rededicated this weekend thanks to the help of pro-life supporters across the country.
As previously reported, Rachel’s Park Memorial, a site that features an expansive spread of 4,000 white crosses symbolizing the number of children killed by abortion each day in America, was damaged in late January while founder Rusty Thomas of Elijah Ministries was away conducting pro-life outreach.
“The timing of the attack was suspicious. It was during the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade,” Thomas told Christian News Network. “My guess is the person or persons are post-abortive and the park represents truths they would rather forget. Instead of lashing out in anger and destroying the park, the great irony is, they could receive from the park the help their souls desperately need.”

In analyzing the damage, it appeared that some sort of vehicle drove through the area, knocking over the crosses and leaving pieces of automotive parts on the ground. Approximately 600 crosses were knocked down or destroyed in a spread of 12 1/2 feet by 136 feet. The picket fence that enclosed the park was also damaged in the incident.
In driving through the expanse of crosses, the vandal left pieces of the underside of their vehicle littered throughout the park as well as traces of motor oil. Automotive tires were also left at the scene.
“It appears the animosity against the preborn knows no bounds,” Thomas lamented following the incident. “Not only are we content as a nation to stand back and allow the preborn to die through the sin and crime of abortion, but now there are those among us who seek to destroy the very memory of these children as well.”
Police have yet to name a suspect in the incident, which was reported by a neighboring business on the morning of its discovery.
“I do not believe the police view this hate crime as a priority,” Thomas stated. “I contacted the police department days after the desecration and they still had not wrote up the report. There was much evidence left behind as the car was damaged. To my knowledge, no investigator came out to view it.”
Nonetheless, an estimated 600 crosses later, and with the help of numerous supporters from across the country, Rachel’s Park Memorial has now been restored.
“First of all, thanks to so many locally and abroad who were moved with compassion to help restore this unique park that was recently desecrated,” stated Thomas in a news release announcing the upcoming rededication of the park. “We rejoice that the park has been rebuilt and stands ready to minister once again to those families that carry the guilt and shame of abortion. We pray they will find here the forgiveness, deliverance, and salvation their souls desperately need.”
The park will be rededicated this Sunday during a special ceremony at the park. The event will feature prayer, praise and worship, the placing of flowers on “The Tomb of the Unknown Baby,” and the reading of Scripture. A number of area pastors and pro-life leaders are expected to attend.
Rachel’s Park Memorial is named after Jeremiah 31:15, which speaks of Rachel weeping for her children because they are no more. It was founded in 2000 and has been attacked several times since its inception.
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