GREEN BAY — A 72-year-old trucker from Wisconsin is on a mission to share the truth and hope of the Gospel by purchasing billboards throughout his state.
Harold Scott of Green Bay has spent over $600,000 purchasing billboard space over the past two years, all of which he has paid for almost entirely with his own money.
“The devil has got people mesmerized,” he told the Appleton Post-Crescent. “This country needs some hope, and the only hope they can get is in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
On his website,, Scott further outlines his heart behind the efforts, which he views as his way of being active in evangelism.
“I pray and hope the signs of glory to God and Jesus will help save people from the sins of the world,” he wrote. “The end of the world is being played out before our eyes.”
“The Bible is the word of God; make no mistake about the Bible,” Scott continues. “We have to keep the signs for God and Jesus Christ up to warn people of the coming peril, no matter what the cost. This warning is a matter of life and death.”
At times, Scott’s billboards have simple paraphrased messages, such as “Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world,” “Life is nothing without God,” and “My God, I repent for my sins against you and my fellow man.” Other signs provide Scripture directly, such as “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,” from Acts 16:30.
So far, the messages have appeared in Appleton, Oshkosh, Two Rivers and other locations throughout the state, and even a few outside of Wisconsin.
Scott states that he would like to pursue other endeavors on a national scale, but funds do not allow him to do so at this time. However, he would like to see others also become active in sharing their faith in whatever way possible.
“We need more people to get on the wagon for Jesus Christ. We need more disciples,” he told reporters. “God’s people are few and we’re trying to do a job that’s almost impossible, but we’re going to do it.”
“I am going to try to keep the signs up as long as I can,” he noted on his website. “I feel the Holy Spirit of God has given me that job to do and I humbly intend to live up to that honorable job the best that I can, so help me God.”
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