ORLANDO – A federal judge has given a secular organization the green light to distribute more atheistic and anti-Christian materials to Florida public school students, in spite of the materials’ graphic content and offensive language.
As previously reported, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) learned last year that a Christian ministry had made Bibles available to Orlando high school students on “Religious Freedom Day.” To counter the Bible distribution, FFRF sought permission from the school district to give students a variety of atheistic and anti-Christian materials.
According to reports, the Orange County School Board permitted FFRF to distribute several books and pamphlets, including a booklet entitled “What’s Wrong With The Ten Commandments?” and a brochure entitled “What Is An Atheist?” However, the board prohibited FFRF from giving students several other publications, citing the materials’ “disruptive” and inappropriate content.
FFRF promptly sued the school board for not allowing the distribution of the materials. Eventually, the school board complied with the organization’s demands, giving FFRF permission to distribute the previously-prohibited materials. Then, earlier this month, a district judge officially dismissed the FFRF lawsuit, thus giving the green light to the in-school distribution of atheistic materials.
In a statement released on Tuesday, FFRF praised the school board’s and district judge’s decisions to permit the anti-Christian materials.
“Satanists can distribute their literature, Muslims can distribute the Quran, and atheists can distribute books that criticize religion,” said FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel.
The atheists now promise to circulate “a lot more” secular materials in the future.
“We intend to give out a lot more literature to educate students about atheism and the importance of keeping religion out of public schools,” FFRF member David Williamson proclaimed. “We are even designing new materials specifically for students and families in Orange County.”
The materials approved by the Orange County School Board include a variety of graphic and anti-Christian content, including references to oral and anal sex, a description of God as the “most prolific abortionist of all,” and a number of explicit sexual references and offensive expletives.
Furthermore, the materials repeatedly attack Christian beliefs and doctrines, including the life of Jesus Christ.
“On the whole, Jesus said little that was worthwhile,” alleges the FFRF booklet “Why Jesus?”
“He introduced nothing new to ethics (except hell),” the booklet states. “He instituted no social programs. Being ‘omniscient,’ he could have shared some useful science or medicine, but he appeared ignorant of such things.”
Similarly, the “Dear Believer” booklet attacks the Bible’s message and content in a demeaning first person tone.
“Christianity, besides being false, is also abhorrent,” it alleges. “It amazes me that you claim to love the god of the bible, a hateful, arrogant, sexist, cruel being who can’t tolerate criticism. I would not want to live in the same neighborhood with such a creature! The biblical god is a macho male warrior.”
“Do you see why I do not respect the biblical message?” the booklet adds. “It is an insulting bag of nonsense. You have every right to torment yourself with such insanity—but leave me out of it. I have better things to do with my life.”
Many people have expressed concern at FFRF’s literature, arguing that the graphic, insulting material is inappropriate in a public school setting.
“The Christians wanted to only distribute Bibles to those who wanted them—not force them on anyone, not bash other religions,” one commenter noted. “… Then the atheists got involved, and they wanted to distribute material, not to promote atheism, but to denigrate Christianity and religion in general. They are not content with presenting their belief system, they have to tear down others belief systems.”
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