WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden used the Lord’s name in vain on Friday as he spoke at the annual conference for a prominent homosexual activist organization.
Biden, who served as keynote speaker at the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) annual spring conference in Washington, was expressing disagreement with recent remarks made by famed neurosurgeon and possible presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson. Carson had spoken earlier this week with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, brother of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, regarding whether or not he believes homosexual behavior is a choice.
“A lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight—and when they come out, they’re gay,” he said. “So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question.”
Carson, a Seventh Day Adventist, later issued an apology via Facebook for his “choice of language” and noted that while he personally disagrees with same-sex “marriage” for religious reasons, he believes that states should have the right to legalize such arrangements if they wish.
“I support civil unions for gay couples, and I have done so for many years,” he wrote. “I support the right of individual states to sanction gay marriage, and I support the right of individual states to deny gay marriage in their respective jurisdictions.”
Carson continued to receive criticism for his original statement, including from Vice President Joseph Biden, who excoriated the former doctor on Friday while speaking at HRC’s annual convention.
“Every ridiculous assertion from Dr. Carson on—I mean, ridiculous. I mean, J****, G**,” he said. “Oh G**. I mean, it’s kind of hard to fathom, isn’t it?”
“We’re never going to be able to eliminate the bigots. They’re a small percentage of the population. They’ll continue to be vocal,” Biden said. “But make one thing absolutely clear, folks, they are an incredibly smaller and smaller minority. This country is changing.”
As this week also commemorates the 50th anniversary of the 1965 black civil rights demonstrations in Selma, the vice president made a comparison of Martin Luther King Jr.’s work to obtain rights for African Americans with the efforts to legalize same-sex nuptials in the U.S.
“[It is] in fact the same basic movement,” he asserted.
As previously reported, in 2012, Biden publicly announced his support for same-sex “marriage,” just days before Barack Obama did likewise.
“I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying one another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties,” he said.
But CNN reported at that time that “Biden has, in the past, counseled the president against coming out for same-sex marriage.”
Biden, a Roman Catholic, is also an abortion advocate in addition to being supportive of homosexuality and transgenderism.
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