PHILADELPHIA — Tony Campolo, false teacher and former spiritual adviser to Bill Clinton, is urging Christians to vote for Hillary as president, claiming that she is a Christian woman who will help to lower the abortion rate in America.
“I like Hillary Clinton. We are personal friends,” he wrote in a recent article for Religion News Service. “I am more than willing to do all I can to help Hillary Clinton get elected. Should she ask me to organize an Evangelicals for Hillary committee, I would be more than willing to do so. I believe in her. And you should too.”
As previously reported, Campolo serves as one of the leaders at Mount Carmel Baptist Church in West Philadelphia, which is part of the National Baptist Convention USA and American Baptist Churches USA. In the 1990’s, he served as a spiritual adviser to then-President Bill Clinton, including during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Campolo’s wife, Peggy, is a homosexual activist and believes that the Church should be accepting of same-sex “marriage.” While Campolo personally opposes same-sex nuptials, he believes the government should recognize civil unions. Campolo is also regarded as being a mystic as he teaches that his “intimacy with Christ was developed gradually over the years, primarily through what Catholic mystics call ‘centering prayer.’”
He asserts in his 2008 book “Partly Right” that the Bible is not without error, as “an evangelical has a very high view of Scripture though not necessarily inerrancy,” and has also commented to reporters that he believes non-Christians might go to Heaven.
“[W]e do not know who Jesus will bring into the kingdom and who He will not,” Campolo told the Edmonton Journal in 2007. “We are very, very careful about pronouncing judgment on anybody. We leave judgment in the hands of God and we are saying Jesus is the way. We preach Jesus, but we have no way of knowing to whom the grace of God is extended.”
On April 13, in an article entitled “Why Christians Should Vote for Hillary,” Campolo called upon Christians to vote for Clinton as president, and made his case as to why he believes she is the right person for the job.
“Some of my evangelical friends raise questions about her views on abortion,” he stated. “But Hillary Clinton is one of the few candidates on the political stage who has a plan for cutting the abortion rate in America by at least 50 percent.”
“She is committed to addressing [economic] problems, and thus diminishing the urgency that drives so many oppressed women into having abortions,” Campolo said. “As a pro-life Democrat, I am encouraged by the possibility that Hillary could be our next president.”
Campolo, who is a proponent of the “emergent church” movement, and is the co-author of the social justice book “Red Letter Revolution” with Shane Claiborne, said that he believes that Clinton is a Christian woman who is devoted to prayer.
“I know Hillary Clinton to be a committed Christian,” he said. “The youth pastor of her Methodist church mentored her through her teenage years into being the kind of holistic Christian who faithfully engages in the spiritual disciplines of Bible study and prayer.”
But others believe differently about Clinton. Pastor Bryan Ridenour wrote last year on his blog “America, Look Up” that he could never support the now former secretary of state due to his biblical convictions.
“If a church member asks in 2016 if I can support Hillary Clinton, I can unequivocally respond, ‘Not in this lifetime,’” he said. “If we vote for leaders who support abortion on demand, then we essentially hold the surgical knife that strips life from the womb. If we vote for leaders who support and champion gay marriage, we in effect officiate at their ceremonies. God holds us accountable for what we do behind the voting booth curtain.”
As previously reported, earlier this month, Clinton’s campaign staff included two homosexual men in her video presentation announcing her presidential run. The video zooms in as the men hold hands and one declares, “I’m getting married this summer to someone I really care about.”
“I’m getting ready to do something too,” Clinton soon announces. “I’m running for president.”
The men, Jared Milrad, 31, and Nathan Johnson, 30, state that they have now invited Clinton to attend their ceremony.
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