WASHINGTON — A homosexual advocate who works as an activist to fight against Christianity in the military is calling for Christian chaplains who oppose homosexuality to get out of the Armed Forces following last month’s Supreme Court ruling surrounding same-sex “marriage.”
Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) posted an op-ed on the Daily Kos website following the high court ruling, entitled “MRFF Demands Ouster of All Homophobic Military Chaplains.” Weinstein noted that the crux of this organization is “fighting the scourge of fundamentalist Christian extremism” and spoke about this goal in light of the Supreme Court decision.
“Imagine the grinding teeth and anguished moans emanating from the benighted quarters of Christian fundamentalism within the U.S. military!” he gloated. “What will become of their once-ironclad dominance of fundamentalist Christian privilege within the Department of Defense?”
“What truly troubles these cretinous sentinels of vile prejudice and hate-mongering bigotry is the fact that this ruling will go down historically as the watershed moment which may indeed shatter the spine of the Religious Right in the U.S. military, whose prior viselike grip over the chaplaincy has formed the key obstacle to social progress within the Armed Forces,” Weinstein continued.
He then stated that Christian chaplains who oppose homosexuality should leave the military or be forced out.
“At this stage, the only honorable thing that these losers can do is to fold up their uniforms, turn in their papers, and get the [expletive] out of the American military chaplaincy,” Weinstein wrote. “If they are unwilling or too cowardly to do so, then the Department of Defense must expeditiously cleanse itself of the intolerant filth that insists on lingering in the ranks of our armed forces.”
As previously reported, in 2013, Weinstein had asked Department of Defense officials to punish superiors who attempted to proselytize their subordinates.
“Someone needs to be punished for this,” he told reporter Todd Starnes. “Until the Air Force or Army or Navy or Marine Corps punishes a member of the military for unconstitutional religious proselytizing and oppression, we will never have the ability to stop this horrible, horrendous, dehumanizing behavior.”
“It is a version of being spiritually raped and you are being spiritually raped by fundamentalist Christian religious predators,” Weinstein asserted.
He also appeared before Congress last November, where he was questions by Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., about his hostility toward Christianity.
“On June 16, 2013, you said, ‘Today we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nations armed forces.’ Did you you make that quote?” Forbes asked.
“I did,” Weinstein replied frankly.
“I haven’t heard any people of faith calling atheists ‘monsters’ or saying they want to put sucking wounds in them,” Forbes later remarked.
Brig. Gen. Doug Lee, chairman of the executive committee for the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, told reporters that Weinstein’s latest comments drip with hatred toward Christian chaplains.
“His comments are so vitriolic and dividing that they are hardly worth responding to. He seems to feel the need to push his conspiracy theory about certain chaplains in the military,” Lee commented to WND. “In addition, I don’t think he understands that the job of chaplain exists in a pluralistic military so that people have religious support, and to do away with a certain group of chaplains in its entirety is just ridiculous.”
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