Nuclear Physicist Declares: ‘Science Will Never Contradict The Bible’

Science pdSTELLENBOSCH, South Africa An accomplished nuclear physicist has recently expressed outspoken support for the Genesis creation account, arguing that the evolutionary worldview “fails dismally” in its description of scientific realty.

Dr. Brandon van der Ventel is a nuclear physicist with a Ph.D. from South Africa’s Stellenbosch University, where he currently teaches theoretical nuclear physics. Van der Ventel’s specialties include biological systems, physics education, and computational physics.

In an interview with Christian News Network, van der Ventel explained why—as a physicist—he firmly believes the literal, historical interpretation of the Bible’s creation account. The theory of evolution, he explained, is scientifically unsubstantiated.

“The final arbiter of any theory must be based on the strength of its description of physical reality,” he said. “It is in this respect that the theory of evolution fails dismally.”

Not only is the second law of thermodynamics “a powerful argument against chemical evolution,” van der Ventel stated, but the very dating methods evolutionists cite are mostly supported by assumptions—not physics.

“Physics can also play a role when it comes to the sticky question of dating certain objects,” he noted. “It is important to understand that dinosaur bones, for example, are not found with a time stamp attached to them. Every publicized age is based on certain assumptions and conflicting radioactive dates are commonplace.”

On the contrary, the Bible’s creation account logically explains both physical reality and the nature of God, van der Ventel said.

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“The creation account in Genesis establishes a number of great truths which form part of the Christian worldview,” he stated. “It points to God as the all-mighty Creator: a timeless, spaceless, immaterial and personal Being who is both the explanation and cause of the universe.”

The South African physicist further told Christian News Network that Genesis must be taken at face value, or else the rest of the Bible is compromised.

Van der ventel
Van der ventel

“At which chapter in Genesis do we start believing God’s revelation and the fact that all Scripture is God-breathed?” he asked. “It is important to understand that the denial of the Genesis account of creation is a direct result of the theory of evolution which posits a naturalistic explanation for the origin of life.”

“The denial of the Genesis account is not a matter to be taken lightly by Christians,” he continued. “If the biblical record is not true, then we are left with naturalism and atheism, of which the consequences are truly horrific.”

Van der Ventel asserted that “all scientific evidence has always and will always support the Bible.”

“Science will never contradict the Bible,” he said. “The reason is very simple: the Author of Scripture is also the Creator. That is what we as Christians should believe and promulgate at all times. It is a false dichotomy to think that the Bible and Science are in opposition. Even Christians fall into this mode of thinking due to the vicious and unrelenting propaganda.”


As a scientist, van der Ventel encourages young Christians to “enter the scientific field since university campuses are hotbeds for evolutionary propaganda.”

“By arming oneself with scientific material it is possible to engage non-believers in a systematic and technical manner,” he advised. “Christian parents should equip themselves and their children since television programs such as the History Channel, National Geographic or Discovery World shamelessly push their evolutionary agenda.”

“It is clear that if we are to demolish arguments (2 Corinthians 10:5), then equipping ourselves is paramount,” he concluded. “All believers should study Christian apologetics, since it will not only strengthen your own faith but also motivate you to boldly proclaim the Gospel in a secular society where the authority of Scripture and the uniqueness of Christ, are routinely denied.”

As previously reported, a respected molecular geneticist told Christian News Network last month that recent findings in the field of genetics confirm the Bible’s teachings that all humans descended from an original couple created by God.

Photo: Stellenbosch University

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